ANy game where you got outstanding, even insane records.. Proof would be desired but I know that not everyone has a video capture card or whatever.

For me?

well I will go by systems, starting with teh game I have proof of.


Super Smash Bros. Melee.. Managed to hit sandbag to 3300feet, yes I know that this is nothing compaired to the world record, but for any gamer, 3300 has to be somewhat good. Vid proof only shows it going 3000 feet, but you can see the stats next to the character on the select screen and see that the high score is 3300 for that character.. all characters are beyond 1000feet, and most are at least 1400 or higher, and 5 are above 2000, Ganondorf Being the highest..
The Link
Please only download once.

Super Metroid: Can beat in 1 hour with 27% items. I can probably do less, but never bothered to. the chalenge I wanted was simply time.

Tetrisphere: Got over 1 trillion points.. Took 17 hours of gameplay to do so. I took breaks.. no way can I play it 17 hour straight.. OH and I had to just turn it off and die finaly.. I never die in that game.

Can also get 40,000,000 in Time Trial

IF you must have vid capture, I can prove the TIme Trial thing

Zelda OoT and Majora's Mask; Can beat both games with only 3 heart containers and without using any faries.. I am working on the MM vid capture of Beating it.. but sadly its such a large file and I can't put it on my site. I am dial up, and the file is 50 megs.

hmm I know there are others.. but I can't think of any .. I have good Fzero and Fzero Gx times, but I dont' tihnk I can remember those of the top of my head.

anyway I want to hear everyone esle's Records. though I only have the more popular games of nintendo systems, so I won't be able to say anything if its from a game I don't know, but I am sure other's will have plenty to say.