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Thread: Whats Rumor mill??

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Default Whats Rumor mill??

    When you look in the DP online guide next to the game name and under section i see Rumor mill whats Rumor Mill sorry this is probaly a stupid question but i thought id ask

  2. #2
    Apple (Level 5) mezrabad's Avatar
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    Things that were heard about, but never seen. Maybe seen in a catalogue or displayed at an expo but perhaps only released to a limited test market and then pulled back for some reason. This is the realm of vague innuendo. Here be dragons and what not. I'm sure someone else here could give you a much better explanation, but that's all I've got for you.
    Chronogamer. Every game. Chronologically.
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  3. #3
    Key (Level 9) fishsandwich's Avatar
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    Default Hey

    I don't think Rumor Mill items were even released to test markets... they were rumored to be on the released schedule but no one ever saw anything to back it up.

    With the internet, a lot of games that never came out still have screenshots posted to the web (check out, so I'd guess they made it past the "rumor" stages. Back in the 80's, you'd hear of a game coming out, then you'd never hear about it again. No ROMS or protos would have surfaced to this day.

    Fish Sandwich

  4. #4
    Flawless Rawkality Flack's Avatar
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    It's a game that's been rumored to have been worked on, but that never showed up in any way (rom, promo, etc). For example, let's say in an interview David Crane says, "yeah, we are starting work on Pitfall III" but nothing ever comes of it ... if there's a reason to believe that work really did start on it, that might end up in the rumor mill -- especially if someone adds, "I knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy who saw it one time."

  5. #5
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    so at this moment ive come to the conclusion i cant purchase these then why are they in the DP catalouge

  6. #6
    Ladd Spencer (Level 17) Sniderman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nathanray
    so at this moment ive come to the conclusion i cant purchase these then why are they in the DP catalouge
    Because they MIGHT surface. In the past 2 years alone, several games only THOUGHT to exist have surfaced: Looping, Save the Whales, Pick Up, hell - nearly all CGE releases. This year, Wings for the Atari 2600 wasx displayed at CGE. It was a rumor mill game - only promo advertising was produced, but no one had seen a working proto. And, whatdya know? It finally turns up.

    The Rumor Mill section isn't a collections checklist. It's a list of "These games might be out there! Keep your eyes peeled!"
    Still Around...Still Gamin'...

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