I am attempting to get all 217 PAL DreamCast games - But in completely factory sealed condition!
Now firstly I do not want people flaming me and asking why. The fact is, I am, so let's leave it at that. I get too much of that sort of thing on every forum I go on.
Secondly - I am well clued up on the situation, and know exactly what games are worth what, in what condition. I also know which ones are harder to get than others.
Thirdly - Please, don't turn this thread into a PAL vs NTSC debate.
I am in the UK and am collecting PAL E DreamCast games. Simple As.
Fourthly - No more questions asking "Do you have Taxi II Le Jue?" - I can't take it anymore! I get it everywhere I go (No offence to anyone who has already asked me that)
No, I don't, and yes, I would like to get my filthy paws on it.
Oh, and please don't anyone insult me buy telling me I may have to settle for a few of them pre-owned... I have heard that all too many times now and is not an option. I'd rather go without a game than buy it pre-owned
Feel free to add relevant comments below.
Right, now that is out of the way I will continue...
I contacted Sega a few months ago and asked if they could provide me with a complete list of all DreamCast games which got an official Europe release...
Naturally, being nice people, they obliged - In double quick time too! The informed me that there were in fact only 217 games released for the European market (One or two not in the UK, but what the hey...)
I wrote them back and informed them that I was attempting to collect all of them in factory sealed condition. I also asked if they had any in stock which they could possibly sell to me, but they didn't (I was actually seeing if they had Samba De Amigo)
They replied yet again and said that they have heard of people collecting a whole set of them (Including all the NTSC U ones too) but have never heard of anyone attempting to collect a whole set in factory sealed condition...
Anyway, they said that if I manage to acheive this, then they would provide me with "Something special" - Just exactly what this means I do not know - It could mean something as simple as a certificate to commemorate my acheivement, or they could give me some promo stuff or even an arcade cabinet or a shop POD!
Anyway, I have been referred to this forum by a few eBay sellers who sid I may find help from many of you seeing as you are all mainly collector's yourself...
I have had a DreamCast for many years, but have only recently decided to collect them seriously. That means I have two separate collections - One which is my original set of games which I play regularly, and the other is this sealed collection which I keep separate from the others...
I have been collecting sealed ones since about February, and am over halfway there now. I have pretty much most of the rarer ones, but am still after some of the others. I'd say I had an average mix of good, rare, and crap games.
I am especially interested if anyone has any factory sealed PAL E DreamCast games. Naturally they would have to be at a reasonable price (I am a frequent buyer on eBay so I know exactly what they are worth!!!) and of course, they would have to be free from cracks, rattles, and loose discs... They have also got to be the UK release (with one or two exceptions)
And when I mean factory sealed, I mean complete with the white tear strip at the bottom of the game - The thin shrinkwrap is not acceptable and signifies the game has been resealed!
Please PM me if anyone has any offers. Pictures will be required... (Please bear in mind that I do already have a lot of games though so chances are you may not have what I want)
I will pay reasonable prices if you have something of interest to me at the right price and in the right condition...