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  • High - Anything is possible!

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Thread: Attempting to collect all 217 PAL DreamCast games - Sealed!

  1. #1
    Key (Level 9) Gemini-Phoenix's Avatar
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    Default Attempting to collect all 217 PAL DreamCast games - Sealed!

    I am attempting to get all 217 PAL DreamCast games - But in completely factory sealed condition!

    Now firstly I do not want people flaming me and asking why. The fact is, I am, so let's leave it at that. I get too much of that sort of thing on every forum I go on.

    Secondly - I am well clued up on the situation, and know exactly what games are worth what, in what condition. I also know which ones are harder to get than others.

    Thirdly - Please, don't turn this thread into a PAL vs NTSC debate.

    I am in the UK and am collecting PAL E DreamCast games. Simple As.

    Fourthly - No more questions asking "Do you have Taxi II Le Jue?" - I can't take it anymore! I get it everywhere I go (No offence to anyone who has already asked me that)

    No, I don't, and yes, I would like to get my filthy paws on it.

    Oh, and please don't anyone insult me buy telling me I may have to settle for a few of them pre-owned... I have heard that all too many times now and is not an option. I'd rather go without a game than buy it pre-owned

    Feel free to add relevant comments below.

    Right, now that is out of the way I will continue...

    I contacted Sega a few months ago and asked if they could provide me with a complete list of all DreamCast games which got an official Europe release...

    Naturally, being nice people, they obliged - In double quick time too! The informed me that there were in fact only 217 games released for the European market (One or two not in the UK, but what the hey...)

    I wrote them back and informed them that I was attempting to collect all of them in factory sealed condition. I also asked if they had any in stock which they could possibly sell to me, but they didn't (I was actually seeing if they had Samba De Amigo)

    They replied yet again and said that they have heard of people collecting a whole set of them (Including all the NTSC U ones too) but have never heard of anyone attempting to collect a whole set in factory sealed condition...

    Anyway, they said that if I manage to acheive this, then they would provide me with "Something special" - Just exactly what this means I do not know - It could mean something as simple as a certificate to commemorate my acheivement, or they could give me some promo stuff or even an arcade cabinet or a shop POD!

    Anyway, I have been referred to this forum by a few eBay sellers who sid I may find help from many of you seeing as you are all mainly collector's yourself...

    I have had a DreamCast for many years, but have only recently decided to collect them seriously. That means I have two separate collections - One which is my original set of games which I play regularly, and the other is this sealed collection which I keep separate from the others...

    I have been collecting sealed ones since about February, and am over halfway there now. I have pretty much most of the rarer ones, but am still after some of the others. I'd say I had an average mix of good, rare, and crap games.

    I am especially interested if anyone has any factory sealed PAL E DreamCast games. Naturally they would have to be at a reasonable price (I am a frequent buyer on eBay so I know exactly what they are worth!!!) and of course, they would have to be free from cracks, rattles, and loose discs... They have also got to be the UK release (with one or two exceptions)

    And when I mean factory sealed, I mean complete with the white tear strip at the bottom of the game - The thin shrinkwrap is not acceptable and signifies the game has been resealed!

    Please PM me if anyone has any offers. Pictures will be required... (Please bear in mind that I do already have a lot of games though so chances are you may not have what I want)

    I will pay reasonable prices if you have something of interest to me at the right price and in the right condition...

  2. #2
    Peach (Level 3) devilman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attempting to collect all 218 PAL DreamCast games - Seal

    Quote Originally Posted by Gemini-Phoenix
    Please PM me if anyone has any offers. Pictures will be required... (Please bear in mind that I do already have a lot of games though so chances are you may not have what I want)
    You might want to post a list of what you currently have to save people's time.

  3. #3
    Pretzel (Level 4)
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    I vote that you are undertaking a fools errand, but good luck. I hope that you can do it. It would be really special. Also try the buying/selling forum, you can post a Want to Buy listing.

  4. #4
    Peach (Level 3)
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    Default Re: Attempting to collect all 218 PAL DreamCast games - Seal

    Quote Originally Posted by Gemini-Phoenix
    Thirdly - Please, don't turn this thread into a PAL vs NTSC debate.

    I am in the UK and am collecting PAL E DreamCast games. Simple As.
    There have been debates on that!? Anyone that expects someone to collect for a foreign region over their own is nutso

    Ill keep my eyes peeled for sealed games, but personally i would go bonkers if i had a complete collection and couldnt play them.

  5. #5
    Strawberry (Level 2) pixelsnpolygons's Avatar
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    There have been debates on that!?
    I thought the same thing.

    Anyway, good luck with your hunt, man.

  6. #6
    Peach (Level 3)
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    It's not impossible, I'm almost done with my complete US sealed collection, only 5 games left to 247 complete list (I don't want Sega All-Star or any limited edition stuff), plus a set of mint DC games I actually play.

    But I'll tell you it's a crazy task, I've been doing this since 1999 and this is with my store(s) clearing out sealed DC games for a few bucks back then, even with such access I still had quite a few games to get on eBay later on to complete, sometimes it gets crazy as I had up to 4 copies of the same game until I get one with real factory seal w/o crack on cases and w/ clean shrinkwrap.

    PAL cases, for some reason, tend to get cracked for god knows what reasons, just be prepared to pay big bucks for some titles, which I already did.

  7. #7
    Alex (Level 15) tholly's Avatar
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    its do-able, but it will take time and money....good luck
    Collection Pics--RFGen List--Excel Collection Spreadsheet
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  8. #8
    Banana (Level 7)
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    I'm not flaming you at all, I love the idea of you gettine every single Pal released Dreamcast sealed, but this is going to be very hard to do. If you do end up getting them all, you will definaltey one of the only (or the only) complete factory sealed collection for any system. Good luck !

  9. #9
    ServBot (Level 11) slip81's Avatar
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    Good luck man, you'll need it Be sure to post pics of the completed collection and whatever goodie Sega gives you, because I'm sure all of us here would love to see the end result of your hard work.

  10. #10
    Key (Level 9) Fuyukaze's Avatar
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    I consider your goal to be....useless. To what ends are you willing to go to make your colection? I know you said not to ask it, but why? First you will be spending a great sum in the attempt and second, there is no garuntee you will ever be able to acomplish it. I'm guessing its not a colection you are going after because you were wanting to play them because if you were, you would be either going after a second copy in adition to the sealed, or you would be going after a complete version instead of a sealed. I will wish you good luck in your venture, but I honestly feel you are wasting your time (and money) going after a sealed Pal DC colection.

  11. #11
    Key (Level 9) Gemini-Phoenix's Avatar
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    I'm pretty certain that if I search ebay long enough, I will find just what I want. Surprisingly, it's the reall common stuff that you never seem to see in sealed condition. Games like Ready II Rumble! Lol

    Why do it? It's something to do I suppose. Some people like collecting antiques, I like colecting sealed Dreamy games!

    I know I will have to buy a few more than the 218 because there are a few variations in package designs (Ie, GTA II; Soldier Of Fortune Etc) and then games like Confidential Mission, Samba De Amigo, and House Of The Dead which were released with and without their peripherals.

    Once complete, I may also start buying a second set, but one which I will open and play. Only the best of the best will form my main collection!

    And yeah, I know what you mean about buying mutiple ones just to find one which is perfect - Some I have bought have had a rattle inside (The loose pips thing) or have been damaged due to some stupid eBay seller sending it unprotected! D'oh!

    I have been collecting since February, but have held off buying some particular games as I can usually find mor constructive ways to use the money. No doubt come the new year I will get the games I have been holding off getting though (the three Street Fighter games in particular)

    I also have Rez in my playable collection, and can't yet justify paying nearly £40 for a second one just yet. Especially as my other one only cost me a tenner from HMV when they were clearing out their Dreamy stuff!

    And i'm not particularly bothered about how much it will cost to complete. I know that a complete collection will surely double in value, so the money would be well spent I guess! It's time I worry about though...

    And I always find that I tend to have to put off getting the latest Xbox / PS2 / Cube game or Dvd's so that I can bid and win a Dreamy one which may not appear too often on eBay... I spend more on DreamCast games most the time than I do on anything else!

  12. #12
    Banana (Level 7) dbiersdorf's Avatar
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    All I can suggest is to not rely solely on eBay, you'll be paying out of your ass. The fine folks here will surely give you better prices, as well as other Thrift Stores, used game stores, Flea Markets, etc. It'll take time, but you'll be able to do it, and if you want to save cash while doing it, shop around.

    Good luck on your escapade.
    Mostly just play Nintendo 64. If you've got games PM me! Cart only.

  13. #13
    Strawberry (Level 2) delafro's Avatar
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    Man... hope your finances are in order.

  14. #14
    Key (Level 9) Gemini-Phoenix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbiersdorf
    All I can suggest is to not rely solely on eBay, you'll be paying out of your ass. The fine folks here will surely give you better prices, as well as other Thrift Stores, used game stores, Flea Markets, etc. It'll take time, but you'll be able to do it, and if you want to save cash while doing it, shop around.

    Good luck on your escapade.
    Yep, that's what I was hoping! Hence why I am here asking...

    Quote Originally Posted by delafro
    Man... hope your finances are in order.
    I am not really worried about how much they cost so long as they are in the condition I want. Saying that, i know how much they are pre-owned, and how much I should expect to pay for a sealed one... I don't like paying over the odds when I know I can get it cheaper another time or elsewhere...

    And I would (And might) post a list of what I have, but it is changing everyday and would be a sod to keep updating! I think if I just put a shout out for sealed PAL DreamCast games nd see if anyone actually replies... If I find too many people are offering me common shit (Ie, sports games and cheap racing games) all the time, then I will put the effort in to perhaps make a list of what I want.

    Obviously the rarer the game, the less likely I will already have it, although I may also want to purchase a second copy if it is at a reasonable price...

  15. #15
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    Well I have one qustion and that is WHY?

    Sorry no offence but I find it hard to respect people who use a hobby that we all love and cherish for a get rich scheme. I do presume your not going to play these and just sell them one day. But anyway dont let me stop you I dont really care what you do :P

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    I sincerely hope that you can do it, all of us on DP have our collecting goals....but I believe that you're most definitely "closing the barn door after the horses have escaped". There's been a lot of deadly time pass since the Dreamcast's "demise". It wasn't exactly the most popular system ever launched.

    I just picked up a Dreamcast again in hopes of amassing everything I can get my hands on. Usually I am VERY strict about my games. They MUST be in mint condition, including mint instruction books. If I see a's out. The Dreamcast is the ONLY system that I've relented and will buy discs in any condition for, because some titles are just so damned hard to find with this much time passed.

    The money issue isn't bad at all. If you can get them for 5 or 10 pounds each, that's not too bad.

  17. #17
    Key (Level 9) Gemini-Phoenix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ernster
    Well I have one qustion and that is WHY?

    Sorry no offence but I find it hard to respect people who use a hobby that we all love and cherish for a get rich scheme. I do presume your not going to play these and just sell them one day. But anyway dont let me stop you I dont really care what you do :P
    You are completely wrong. I don't sell my games. Ever. And who is to say I won't ever play these? I may just buy second versions of them to play...

    I actually intended to get some credit from someone like Sega, and then perhaps put them in some sort of museum for games or something...

    I just said that they would be worth more as a complete set. No one ever said anything about selling them!

    JDC: Yeah, you are right, there has been a lot of time passed, but eBay solves that problem. I believe it is definately an acheivable goal, and one where I can get some sort of definate closure that I have a complete set...

    I have only been collecting these sealed ones for about 9 months, and have over half already, so it won't be long before I have a majority. It may turn out that I will be chasing the last dozen for a year or so, but so be it... The hardest one to find sealed would be Samba De Amigo (Box set with maracas I mean) - But I have this covered as I know of two people who have some. It's just a matter of convincing them to part with it for the right amount of cash!

    I think Taxi 2 will be the hardest one to find. One or two others too, but I have seen those pop up every now and again, but have always been outbid. Maybe if they popped up at the right time for the right price... But price isn't really a factor so long as the condition is right...

    I am definately a sucker for quality, and nothing below perfect is good enough for me! It might be a bit of a stuck up attitude to have, but I don't care what other people think. Ok, so I may be paying three times as much for a sealed one, but at least I know it is perfect.

    And I believe that I have got hold of the few harder to find games, and just have the common ones to find in sealed condition. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find something as common as Tokyo Highway or Ready II Rumble in sealed condition!

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