I'm a cowboy, on a steeeeeel horse I riiiiiiiide
I'm wanted, WAAAAAAAAAAANTEEEEEEEEEEEED, dead or aliiiiiiiiiive
I'm a cowboy, I got the niiiiight on my siiiiiiiiiiiide
I'm wanted, WAAAAAAAAAAAANTEEEEEEEED, dead or aliiiiiive
Dead or aliiiiiiiiive
Mullet or no Mullet?
My life and perception has changed, but my principals are the same.
Which one?
Random Captain Wrong factoid of the day:
When I was in 7th grade and Slippery When Wet was really hot, we played "Living on a Prayer" at our Christmas concert for band class.
We also had to wear jackets that looked just like Captain Kangaroo's.
Be sure to tuen in tomorrow for more Captain Wrong factoids of the day!!!