I'll take that mario bros. pm on its way!
I'lll also take rc pro am 2 CIB, mighty final fight, and that metal slug 4 poster, thanks!
I replied to all PM's. Buy it up FOlks! THanks.
Distributor of Candy Cabinets.
PM sent
My Website | #VBender |
Part of the #vbender crew
[21:39] <Ze_ro> Perkar: Put "Official #vbender Slut" in your sig.
PM Sent.
Xbox Live Tag - GunstarHeroUK
All Pm's replied to.
Distributor of Candy Cabinets.
I'd love to get my hands on that Midway Arcade Treasures 2 for GameCube... but that's not $50 in sales.
Mostly just play Nintendo 64. If you've got games PM me! Cart only.
I will take resident evil 2 (GCN) and the Soul Cailibur 2 shirt.
Aaron Harmon
Aaron Harmon
Who got the mint megaman 2 for $15?! ... LUCKY YOU!
I would have also liked the contra for only $5 since the guy at my work offered me $12 to get him a copy of it... it goes for too much on ebay though.
All PMs answered, and no items are on hold at this time.
Distributor of Candy Cabinets.
hmm.. I still want all the items I requested.. guess I'll pay right now
I updated the Shigami no Shiro II & SUPER GRAFX pictures.
Distributor of Candy Cabinets.
The sold Items have been sent and the list has been updated.
THanks for the business, Trellisaze, it290, Perkar, and DJ_DEEM !!!
Distributor of Candy Cabinets.
List Updated!
Distributor of Candy Cabinets.
Pm Sent.
Xbox Live Tag - GunstarHeroUK
List Updated.
Distributor of Candy Cabinets.
Distributor of Candy Cabinets.
Distributor of Candy Cabinets.