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Thread: Introduce Yourself!

  1. #21
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    Default Jess Ragan here.

    You may remember me from such fanzines as Project: Ignition and The Gameroom Blitz!
    Anyway, I've known Joe Santulli for a long time... he's a big reason why I started writing about video games in the first place! Ten years later, I'm still doing it. I no longer edit newsletters (too expensive), but my site The Gameroom Blitz is still updated from time to time.
    Annnyway, my favorite games are mostly arcade titles from the 80's. Sure they don't have a lot of substance, but fast intense action is what video games are all about in my opinion... the rest is just filler. I strongly resented it back in the late '80s when game companies took popular arcade titles and turned them into generic adventures on the NES. The Nintendo Entertainment System had plenty of these frustrating, convoluted games as it was... Capcom and Tecmo didn't need to add to the pile with so-called arcade "translations" of Strider and Ninja Gaiden.
    That turned into a rant awfully quick, didn't it? Heh heh... anyway, here's a list of my personal favorite games...

    Street Fighter (series)
    Gradius (series)
    Aleste (series, includes MUSHA, Zanac, The Guardian Legend, and others)
    Gunstar Heroes
    Radiant Silvergun
    Suikoden (usually I won't touch RPGs, but these ones were so good even I couldn't resist them)
    Mega Man (early games)

    Anything else? Well, I can't think of anything offhand, so I'll wrap up this post right now.


  2. #22
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    MrRetroGamer here, loving all things pre Nintendo era. Stay Tuned 8) ....

  3. #23
    Pac-Man (Level 10) Ascending Wordsmith's Avatar
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    My name's Mike and I live in North Carolina. My state runs on NASCAR, cigarettes, and Smokey & the Bandit marathons.

    I'm a student at Salem College in Winston-Salem. I love this school; there's 1,200 students and the classes (when full) total about 14 people.

    I'm not a die hard video game collector.; I collect series. My current collection goal is to gain all Bonk games complete. I am missing only two titles, and they're imports! This will be a time consuming experience. In the meantime, I'm leaning toward console purchases.
    Sega CD and N64 being my two most likely candidates.

    I enjoy reading, writing, and especially drawing. I have a few works that I hope to see as video game characters one day. If not, then I can take solace in knowing they're my own creations. If I could somehow get them online, I'd post a few of them. Of course image hosting isn't free any more!

    Thanks for listening (reading) and stop by your local convienience store for those refridgerated sandwiches I enjoy so much!

  4. #24
    Pear (Level 6) ventrra's Avatar
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    I'm Charles Morgan from Muncie, IN.

    I found these forums by trying to find a replacement for my aging Digital Press Collectors Guide 4th Edition.

    My favorite games are usually the ones that are disliked by most other people (i.e. Sssnake for the 2600).

    I collect for all of the systems that I own and several that I don't (basically, if I find a game system or something for it, I collect it.)

    Unlike a lot of people in these forums, I don't really do ANYTHING in "real life". (Before anyone goes ballistic, it's not laziness or unemployment, it's more on the level of Muscular Dystrophy and nerve damage.)

    Other "interesting" info includes: I'm 30 years old right now, I'm off line about as much as I'm on because I, rather poorly, built my own computer which breaks down constantly, and my avater comes from a series of comics and stories that I'd played around at making in high school.

  5. #25
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Default Introduction (for the hell of it)

    Name: Jeffrey "J.D." Lowe
    'Net Names: jdllama or Jedi Drunken Llama
    Age: 19
    Location: Central Ohio, USA
    Job: Game Advisor for Gamestop
    Hobbies: Doing voices. I do a wicked Cartman/Stan/Garrison/Mackey/Hankey/Grandpa/Satan/Phillip/Ned/Wakko Warner/Jimmy Stewart impersonation (but not all of the voices combined; what, do you think I'm crazy?)
    My Collection:

    98 NES games
    8 SNES games
    40+ Atari 2600 games
    3 Atari 7800 games
    1 Lonely Playstation game
    4 Game Boy games
    And a partridge in a pear tree

    Oh, and I'm also one of the new referees over at Twin Galaxies; my specialty is NES, Super NES, and the handheld Nintendo systems.

    I also maintain Snipercade during what little spare time I have.

    Hope that's satisfactory
    "[13:59:31] <JDllama> it's not that often that women want a guy who can meow on cue"

  6. #26
    Strawberry (Level 2)
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    -Lia B (single/fem/34 in Nov.)
    -live in Rancho Cucamonga, CA
    -dont remember how I found the forums(must be old age)
    -favorite games: Ladybug(colecovision), Turmoil(atari 2600), Elevator Action(NES), Shining Force II(sega genesis), and Dr. Mario(N64).
    -buy anything for any system when I find it cheap
    -work full time(32 hours) as a stocker at a discount store and I went back to college...eventually want to get a degree in computer science.

    -also like to collect Monopoly games and anything to do with the game. currently have around 20 -30 different Monopoly game sets, 2 comforters, bed sheet, pillow case, 2 pc monopoly games & a mug.

    -Lia :Fade-color lympic:
    N.E.S - 700+
    Genesis - 300+
    PS1 - 500+
    Dreamcast - 100+
    Atari 2600 - 100
    3DO - 100
    Sega CD - 100
    SNES - 100
    others - 1000

  7. #27
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    My name's Chris, I'm 22 and live in hot and humid Virginia Beach, VA. I found DP one day when looking for some kind of master list of every system/game out there. I own over 750 unique pieces of Video Gaming equipment. Current collecting goal is to have 1 of every system in the box with a few of its most popular games.

    Recent addtions are a RCA Studio II, TI 99/4A.

    Main focus right now is on Atari and NES.

    I was born into the Nintendo Generation and have been a poster child for it ever since.

  8. #28
    ServBot (Level 11)
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    :twisted: :wink: If you don't know who I am by now, you suck!

  9. #29
    Peach (Level 3)
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    Hey there all, My name is Cheese Hasselberger I am a 30 year old cartoonist outta the New York Metro Area, Jersey City to be exact. I've been a player as long as I can remember, as a matter of fact one of my first memories from my childhood is playing in the arcade.

    Last year I published a comic book with a bunch of friends called "House of Twelve" ( ) and I also host the New York City BBM Comic Jam (more info here: ). I also pay the rent by being the Assoc. Art Director for a major metropolitan newspaper.

    I have no idea how many games I have, but the systems are:

    Atari 2600
    Odyessy 2
    Coleco Telstar Pong
    Intellivision (hence the avatar)
    Sega Genisis w/cd w/ 32X
    Sega Saturn
    Playstation 1
    Playstation 2
    gameboy color
    and I keep thinking I'm missing something

    But there ya go.

  10. #30
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    My name is Julie. I'm 30 yrs old and live in Ky. I'm currently a student and will (hopefully) be a clinical lab tech when I graduate. I was a long time lurker at the old board, and that probably won't change much here I've been playing games constantly since the days of the 2600, and I've been collecting for about 5 years now. I collect for anything I can find cheap. I have roughly 30 different systems now and a couple thousand games (maybe more, I'm too disorganized to count them). I'm in serious need of more space :lol: I have a special fondness for the 5200 and any sega system. My main collecting goal right now is to collect all the U.S released DC games while they are still fairly cheap and easy to find.

  11. #31

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    Default Re:

    Being as that I never did this in the first place, now would be a good time.

    My name is Dave, I'm from the P. Lakes, NJ (home of DP). I collect NES mainly, and need, as of today, 4 to finish my US NES collection. I like games, girls, and living the high life, Hoooo ahh.

    I'm 22, and currently sort of employed by Kraft/Nabisco, yay.

  12. #32
    Pear (Level 6) Reverend JagDiesel's Avatar
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    Default My turn

    Hey all, your buddy Jag here.. My name is Chris and I am from the desert here in Arizona, where I live just outside Phoenix. You can call me Chris or Jag or JD or anything else that is somewhat more creative...
    I have been playing games now well over 20 years, my first system was an Odyssey2. I also had several pong systems, a ColecoVision Adam computer, an 8 bit NES, a Genesis, and a SNES. Believe it or not, my dad kept all the systems and games, which my little brother is now using.
    I have owned all the above and: a Dreamcast, PS1, Atari 26-52-7800, Atari 400 & 800, Intv, Colecovision, Fairchild Channel F, and my current Xbox. I dabble a bit with all systems, but consider the Odyssey2, Intellivision, and Xbox my systems of choice, with the Xbox being my only modern system.
    I am married, happily, since 1994, to a woman who doesnt fully understand my gaming obsession(as she calls it), but who supports about all that I do.
    I work on old electronics, cars, and gaming systems in my limited amount of free time. I raise sport horses (thoroughbred/warmblood crosses) and truly believe in natural horsemanship over hardhanding, it is the only way to have a real "relationship" with your horse.
    Anyways thats it, who's next..
    You can put a man on trial, but you can't make the guilty pay.

  13. #33
    Apple (Level 5) zemmix's Avatar
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    Hello my name is Todd and I'm an alco... err I mean game collector from Disneyland. Thats where I work and I am there quite often. Its not as great as you think.

    I started collecting in 98 when My friend at work Jon Sieker told me about the hobby. He was the one that also introduced me to the DP guide. Since then just about every penny I have that didn't have to go to bills went to games. Same with every dollar in credit to my name (bad todd!).

    I collect for just about every system but handhelds. I also collect a lot of complete DOS games. Currently though I am focused on getting the big box PSX games and other early rare psx games.

    I also love Japanese women and Japanese cars.

  14. #34
    Pear (Level 6) Felixthegamer's Avatar
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    Default Me

    Well, I suppose it is time I did this again. Here is some information about ME! I recently moved back to Kansas at the request of my roommate. (We are still roommates) I am back in the town and area I grew up. It is nice and pretty good for video game hunting.
    I found this forum from the "old" forum. There was a link (Ha Ha) I actually found a link off of I remember when I was growing up we had an Intellivision and a C64. I remember playing Pitfall! And generally enjoying both systems. When the Nes was new, I remember going to Children's Palace and buying the system, Ghost 'N Goblins and Castlevania. My brother and mother were with although my brother seemed uninterested. And for the record, my mother bought the system. I was also the first person in my neighborhood to have a SNES. I remember the kid across the street came over one day to look at it. I felt like a King.
    Time went on and the Intellivision and C64 were gone. I had no control over it, yet I feel guilt for not putting up more of a fight to keep them. They were both giving away. I would like to think they have good homes now, but honestly I have no idea. I had the Nes, Snes and Genesis, so I managed to be happy.
    I did not go to too many arcades and I feel remorse for it. I followed my older brother around and he was never inclined to go. I do recall Crystal Castles and Galaga. Galaga is one of my more favourite games. I still trudge down to the "arcade" to play it.
    A few years ago, I felt the urge to play my Nintendo. It was something I had not done in a while. I found it not to be in working order. I searched the web and did a home repair. It works now, at least somewhat. However, looking around the web made me wonder why I had a brief absence from gaming. I elected to "get back" into gaming. I finally have an Atari 2600. I never had one growing up. The kids down the street did and so did my friend Patrick. Why didn't I ever have one? I don't really know.
    As far as making a living, I don't I am a student. I am not sure when I will graduate or what I will major in. I am looking into a finding a job and going to school. Somebody needs to support this habit!

  15. #35
    Insert Coin (Level 0) 6502's Avatar
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    My name is Daniel, 27, from Texas. I found the forums thanks to another member's post in another forum. I started playing games with an Atari 800 computer. The first actual console I owned was an NES. Most of my attention is focused on the Turbografx-16, Dreamcast, and Neo Geo Pocket Color. I'm also still fond of Atari though my 800 has long since given up the ghost. I enjoy reading about and remembering the many home computers from the 80s before "home computer" meant a PC.

  16. #36
    Bell (Level 8)
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    My name is Gary and I'm from the berbs outside St. Louis, Mo....I a video game completist....I will own every game for every system someday...anyway I have about 600-700 different games right now....not to bad for just starting this trek in march if I do say so myself.

  17. #37
    Pac-Man (Level 10) le geek's Avatar
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    Default I am Elmer J Fudd. I own a Mansion and a Yacht...

    Hello All,

    I am Ben Langberg, a graphic designer in Atlanta, GA. I am 28 and live with my Girlfriend and our two cats.

    My first system was an Atari 2600, followed by a VIC-20, C64, and Amiga 500. I started collecting Atari in college and diccovered the 2600 Connection newsletter. I typed in a bunch of Atari manuals for Greg Chance's Videogame museum, many of which are now at AtariAge.

    I collect 2600 mainly, then I get games that are fun to play for most of the NES and above systems. I'd love to have a complete NTSC Atari collection one day, but it seems that too many of us have the same goal... :wink: My Amiga 2000 still works, and after the Atari 2600 it's probably my second favorite "game machine".

    So in summary, I collect for 2600, C64, NES, Amiga, Gameboy/Color, Genesis/CD/32x, Lynx, Turbo Grafx/Duo, SNES, 3DO, Jaguar/CD, Saturn, PSX, N64, and Dreamcast.

    I run my le geek website, which hopefully someday will be a good review archive for classic games. Some of my favorites include (in no particular order): Space Taxi, Times of Lore, Blue Max, Tempest 2000, Legend of Zelda, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Metroid, Final Fantasy 2, Lemmings, Out of this World, Prince of Persia, Rocket Ranger, WizKid, Seaquest, Pitfall, Enduro, Gravattack, Pinball Dreams, Lotus Turbo Challenge, Airball, Fool's Errand, Mr. Do, Gyruss, Rampart, & Time Pilot.

    Well that's probably enough from me! :lol:

    le geek
    le geek retrogaming

  18. #38
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Quote Originally Posted by digitalpress
    Tell us any or all of the following:
    - Who you are
    - Where you live
    - How you found the forums
    - What your favorite games are
    - What systems you collect for
    - What you do in "real life"
    - Any other interesting facts, like how you began collecting, etc.
    Hiya all!

    I'm Kidnemo, from the ole' midwest of the US. I'm a 24yr Multimedia Designer/web designer/programmer.

    I found the forums from a link that was posted on another forum (

    Favorite genres:

    fighting games
    any thing thats quirky, or all sexy n' 2D

    Lately I've been playing a ton of Warcraft III for pee-see, Tactics Ogre on GBA, Fire Pro Wrestling on GBA, Sky Gunner on Ps2, and dabbled a bit with the Arc the Lad Collection on psone.

    I'm more of a gamer first, and a collector second, but I have a pretty huge selection of games. I'm not really the type that will pay a ton on ebay to "complete my collection", but if it's a game that I want to actually play, I'll shell out the big bucks.

    I'm currently putting togther a game zine/online videogame publication site, so you may see me talking about that from time to time.

    *phew, got a little longer than I expected! *

  19. #39
    Peach (Level 3)
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    Default Introducing...

    Dan, graphic designer from Oakville, Ontario. Relatively new collector but seriously hooked. Been all over this board for several months. Formerly Congo Bongo 69. Current favourites include Saturn, 2600 and Genesis.

    BTW, here is the story behind my Avatar: I got interested last year in possibly developing a GBA game and "Mullet Man" was one of the characters I had developed for it. If anyone is doing some GBA dev and could use help with artwork, let me know. I'd still love to get involved in that.

  20. #40
    Apple (Level 5) dsullo's Avatar
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    Default Who am I

    Dustin Sullo
    From New Jersey

    I have been playing video games since birth..well almost since birth. Currently I have about 15 different systems and trade , buy and sell. I also run a small website where I repair Nintendo Systems

    Glad to be a part of this terrifc group!!!

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