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Thread: Introduce Yourself!

  1. #41
    Ryu Hayabusa (Level 16) Rogmeister's Avatar
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    Hi, I'm Roger, AKA: Rogmeister...I'm one of those guys who's basically been into gaming since Pong though I did have a gap of about 5 years or so where I didn't play any games so I went from Atari 7800 to the Super Nintendo completely bypassing the whole NES period...of course, I would later get those retroactively.

    I live in West Virginia...have my entire life...and I work in a steel mill. I found out about the Digital Press publication probably through a plug in one of the slick gaming mags back when they used to plug those kinds of independent efforts. That eventually led me to the DP website and I found out about this board there.

    As far as games go, I like mostly platform and action/adventure games going from the original Pitfall games to today's Spider-Man games. I don't care too much for most sports games except baseball...I've probably owned 50 different baseball games at different times.

    I don't collect as much as I used to...I did have a recent spurt of Dreamcast game purchasing but I see myself buying mainly for my GameCube now and only getting games for the older systems as I come across them which isn't too often these days. My systems include Atari 2600, 5200, Lynx & Jaguar (I no longer have my 7800), Sega Dreamcast, Saturn & Genesis, Playstation (just the first), TurboGrafx-16 (if you count having one game for a system HAVING a system), ColecoVision and most of the Nintendo systems except for Virtual Boy and Game Boy Advance.

    My other hobbies include movies, photography, reading and being controlled by my two cats.

  2. #42
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Hi, my name is Nathan and I am a video game collector.

    Well maybe not, more like a video game player with a penchant for playing obscure titles. This naturally leads to amassing a rather large collection of older titles that I have just to say "yeah I've played that." I'm 24 and I live in Seattle, currently switching between working for a Large redmond based video game company's call center, and being a student at the University of Washington.

    I have a tendency to buy games as I see them, so my collection is very varied, to say the least. I found DP when I was looking for a way to determine whether or not I was paying too much for a game, and have been here ever since.

    I also had the pleasure of Meeting DP himself at E32k2, and look forward to meeting the rest of you at CGE2k2.

    That is all for now.

  3. #43
    ServBot (Level 11) BHvrd's Avatar
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    I'll try to make this as painful as possible.

    I like classic games, and grew up on mainly the NES, and Arcade, but I also experienced early years of Atari 2600, Intellivision, Colecovision, etc...

    I play classic games occasionally, but have more collected than played, I am more into the Xbox at the moment, and can't wait to play with some of you guys on Xbox Live "heh."

    Other than playing games, I work, and take care of my 7 year old son, and enjoy the beuatiful beaches on the Gulf O' Mexico "not really", but I occasionally go out there at night, and get drunk =)

    Well, there are more mysteries to myself, but I will only reveal those when i'm really intoxicated, until then, get lost!

  4. #44
    Peach (Level 3) BenT's Avatar
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    My name's Benjamin Turner, and I am a gamer. I was born in PA and grew up in Collegeville (near Philly), but dropped out of college there to take my current job in Irvine, CA. I guess I'm now a Californian, though I don't feel like one. I don't own any sunglasses, for one.

    As gaming goes, I'm pretty damn hardcore about neo-classic stuff, and enjoy post-crash systems the most. That's not to say I don't appreciate Atari and whatnot, but I was raised on the NES, and still have a lot of gaps to fill in my more modern system libraries before I can shift focus to the original classics.

    I'm a bit of a collector but for the most part only acquire games I'd like to play. I'm fastidious about game condition, and won't buy anything that's less than near-mint. I have somewhere over 500 console and PC games, though that number was higher a while back before I picked out the non-mints to sell off and re-acquire. That's nothing compared to some of your amazing collections, but I'm happy with it... particularly the quantity to quality ratio. :)

    Traditional platformers, fighters and shooters are my primary interests, with the latter skewed toward horizontal games like Thunderforce III. Most of today's manic vertical shooters aren't as fun to me. Fave games include Thunderforce III, Axelay, Doom 1/2 (PC), System Shock, Bionic Commando (NES), Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting (AC), Castlevania: SotN, Super Metroid, Metroid, Kid Icarus, The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy IV, Gunstar Heroes and Contra III.

    As you might infer from that list, I don't like the direction games have taken since the late 16-bit days. Many 3D games just don't do it for me like the classic 2D games did, so I'm pretty jaded and cynical about modern gaming. Devil May Cry? Not fun. Final Fantasy VII? Mediocre. Resident Evil? Badly-controlling crap. That's not to say I'm a complete gaming curmudgeon, but in general I no longer get excited about most new game releases. It's too bad. I miss the old fun. Thankfully, there are still a ton of older games that I've yet to acquire and play, and I still have fun with some modern releases... just not as many as I'd like. I *am* looking forward to Mario Sunshine, however.

    During the day I work at GameSpy Industries, as the PS2 editor for We're going places -- keep an eye on us. :)

    Anyway, I think I've bored you all enough. I'll just end by saying that I'm glad to be a part of this nice community. Between this and TNL, my gaming message board needs are more than covered.


  5. #45
    Starman (Level 23) Phosphor Dot Fossils's Avatar
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    Greetings, programs. I'm Earl Green, languishing in the economic backwater that is western Arkansas. I first dropped by here out of curiosity about eight or nine months ago, having already visited the DP site semi-frequently, and now this is just about the only part of the site I visit - go figure!

    For me, pinning down one specific favorite game is like trying to nail smoke to the wall. In the arcades, I have to give the top honors to two incredibly obscure titles: the forgotten SNK/Rock-Ola classic Fantasy and the best (but also likely most obscure) of the Mr. Do! games, Do! Run Run. At home, my all-time favorite still remains the mighty Odyssey 2, for which I have a darn near complete collection (and I don't mind tell you I'm proud of that). I also collect for the Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Intellivision, ColecoVision and Apple II. I'm also getting a good head start on an NES collection as well. I have a Playstation, but got it primarily to play good ports of the classic arcade games (i.e. Namco Museum, etc.) and the updated remakes of them. Same goes for the Game Boy Color that goes with me everywhere. So I'm an old fogey.

    In real life, I'm a TeeVee news promo writer in an exceedingly small market, working for an ABC station. The hours are frequently long (and they get even longer due to circumstances I can't control and with little notice), and there's a lot of downtime followed by huge rushes of activity - very much the "hurry up and wait" thing that a lot of people mention in regard to TV. I also maintain and write most of the material for, my own little web site (well, okay, not so little), which covers everything from science fiction to video games to soundtracks to vintage sci-fi-related toys - everything a growing geek like me needs. I also do some outside web work (including at the TV station, for whose site I do non-national updates), run a small video business whose main purpose is to convert PAL videotapes to NTSC and vice versa, and I also do a fair chunk of writing for All Game Guide and This Is Not News. I've also written for Classic Gamer Magazine, where my challenge to an early issue's assertion that "the Odyssey 2 is there to give the Atari and Intellivision fans something to laugh at" led to me becoming the on-staff Odyssey Evangelist.

    I'm married to a woman who spends a huge amount of money raising horses, and we have three cuddly kitties between us, two of which live in my own room of doom, guarding my collection while I'm gone at work.

    Whew. I think that about covers it.

  6. #46
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    My name is Kevin Shields and I have been playing video games since 1988 but I just started collecting this year. I love all video games from classic to modern. I am in the Air Force and I am stationed at Andrews AFB. I am a vehicle dispatcher and I have been in the Air Force for five and a half years. I am married to a wife that is cool with video games but she doesn't play them. I found this website when I was looking for classic games on the yahoo search engine. This website gets view by me about 3-5 times a day and it probably won't stop.

  7. #47
    Pac-Man (Level 10) TRM's Avatar
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    Default ha

    He's back. Name is Dave, runs track and plays mainly NES games, as well as other consoles. Been playing since I was introduced at age 3 at my cousins house.

  8. #48
    Cherry (Level 1) Nescollector's Avatar
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    I'm Dave, from Michigan.
    I love collecting games for the Nes. My favorite game is Blaster Master.
    This forum has some very cool, and helpfull people

  9. #49
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    My Name is Barry
    I live in eastern Ontario
    I have been collecting for about 4 years now but lhave been an avid gamer since I got my first Atari when I was 8
    I collect for every system esp. imports and have amast over 45 systems and 1800 games.
    My favorite games are tempest, crazy climber, kaboom and any first person shooter.
    I found out about this place in 1999 at the classic gaming expo, but have been regularly visiting for about a year.
    In my real life I am married with 2 boys and work nights in as a manager in a grocery store.

  10. #50
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Hi Im Revolt...and im a member of the liars fact im....the president of that organization...right...right

    Im a fighting game master. Give me tekken..give me streetfighter, and im ok for the moment.

  11. #51
    Key (Level 9) Custom rank graphic
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    I'm James aka DDCecil (DD - Doomsday Dream, Cecil - Hero of FF4), 29 (as of 8/25/09), and from Idaho Falls, ID. I love collecting and playing video games. My goal in life is to open my own used video games business, just like the one my father owned a few years back (I finally did it, though it only lasted for a year (5/5/06 through 4/30/07), but mission accomplished!).

    When I'm not playing video games, I'm either eating, sleeping, on the internet, or working.

    My favorite games include:

    Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
    Final Fantasy I-VI
    Gitaroo Man
    iS: internal Section
    Parodius Series
    Super Mario Series
    Time Gal
    Prehistorik Man
    and I also like Drakkhen and Hydlide.
    Last edited by DDCecil; 08-25-2009 at 03:35 PM.

  12. #52
    Crono (Level 14) Kroogah's Avatar
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    Holger Czukay

    Default Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!

    I'm Karl, aka Captain used to be a combination of the Japanese Navy Captain Rokuro Yashiro and the SNK character Yashiro Nanakase, but now it's a combination of Yashiro Nanakase and the DDR artist Captain Jack. Just look at my signature. ^_^

    Anyway, I'm 17, from Rockford, Illinois, and I'm currently in the midst of DDR obsession. Found a bunch of cool locals to play it with, but I am not NEARLY as good as they are.

    Other favorite games besides Dance Dance Revolution:
    Capcom Vs. SNK 2
    Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
    King of Fighters '97 & '98
    Mario's Picross
    Super Metroid
    Chrono Trigger
    Lots of old Genesis shooting games
    Final Fight trilogy

  13. #53
    Pretzel (Level 4) o2william's Avatar
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    I'm William Cassidy -- please call me William or Bill, but not "Will," thanks.

    Some of you may know me as the former director of I'm the guy who took over for Fragmaster and oversaw the big site redesign that happened in June 2001, including the launch of the forums. Unfortunately I had to leave that job, but it was great while it lasted. While at ClassicGaming, I was able to get to know a lot of the people who make this hobby really "happen," even help them out, and it was a fantastic experience.

    You also may know me from the Odyssey2 Homepage!, which is probably the biggest and oldest O2-only site around (six years and counting...). I'm aiming to build an "AtariAge" for the O2, not only because I like they system, but because I'm really into the history of gaming -- I feel it's important, and often the obscure systems get overlooked in favor of the mighty 2600. (I don't mean to detract from the 2600 though -- it's also one of my favs).

    I've also been a contributor to The 2600 Connection, Retrogaming Times,, Van Burnham's Supercade book, and the JerryG Guide to the Classic Video Games. I'm also a freelance writer for (ClassicGaming's parent, where I worked with BenT222), and currently handle their Hall of Fame segment in addition to the infrequent GBA review.

    I have just about every system from PSX on down, with the notable exception of TG16 (I'm still looking for one at a good price). Basically I will collect anything game-related if the price is right. I'm originally from southern Ohio, which is a great place to find old stuff. Now I live in Southern CA and don't find nearly as much. But at least now I can be a Southern California Classic Collector!

    Full-time job-wise, I'm now an assistant webmaster for a company that specializes in high-end collectibles like coins, stamps, and sportscards. No video games though!

    - William
    The Odyssey2 Homepage!
    Full Sync-Sound Action!

  14. #54
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    I'm Katie, I live in Peoria, Illinois. (With my parents ) I was hornplayer6 on the other board, but I decided to re-register under a new name. In real life I work at JCPenney. I am attempting to join some branch of the military, but they are not cooperating.

    I collect for the NES, SNES, N64, Gameboy, C64, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, and Xbox. Lately I have been picking up mostly C64 & N64 stuff.

  15. #55

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    I am jeff. That is all.

    Kid Ice

  16. #56
    Ladd Spencer (Level 17)
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    Hey everyone...

    My name is Scott Bolderson, I'm 27 years old, single, and I live at home with my parents in beautiful Circleville, Ohio.

    I work at COSI in Columbus, Ohio. It's a science center, think one part science classroom, one part amusement park, and one part anarchist state.

    My collection started in earnest in 1992 when I finally convinced my parents that I could handle having more than one system at a time. I have been playing / collecting games since my first 2600 in 1980, and my first TI994A just a couple of years later.

    My collection now consists of about 25 systems, and over 1,000 games. My favorite system is probably the Sega Genesis (today at least). My favorite game (that I own today) is Parsec for the TI994A computer.

    Thanks for reading.

  17. #57
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    My name is Dustin Cooper, I'm 16, and I live in western MA.
    I had an NES since I was little, and my parents picked up an Atari 2600 at a tag sale. After spending about 10 minutes of laughing at the graphics, I realized that the games weren't half bad. That started my obsession with game collecting. I'm not as into classic era games as I used to be (I still love them though). I collect for everything, but lately I've been playing 16-bit-era stuff and Saturn.
    Favorite Games:
    Shining Force Series (best games ever!)
    SNK fighters
    Capcom Fighters (not as good as SNK fighters)
    Virtual On series
    Galaga '88/'90
    Robotron 2084
    NiGHTs: Into Dreams
    Kunio series
    Crono Trigger
    Mario RPG
    Mega Man X
    Super Baseball 2020
    You may recognize me from:, [/url], and if you were at the last...e Coleco Adam.

  18. #58
    Cherry (Level 1) Boboduo's Avatar
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    Hi, My name is Bob, I'm a 31 yr old single male living in Minnesota. I've been a lurker here for a long time- I cannot remember how I found the site. I've been collecting about 4-5 yrs now, got hooked through the Emulation scene. Anyways -I collect for almost everything from Atari on up through X-box. Systems I own:
    atari: 2600,5200,7800,lynx
    NEC: TG16, TurboDuo
    nintendo: nes,snes,n64,gamecube,gameboy,gameboy advance
    Playstation one, Playstation2
    sega: Mastersystem,genesis,cd,32x,saturn,dreamcast

    Thanks for the great resource DP!

  19. #59
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Default hi hi hi

    My name is Jake, I'm 28, and I live in Portland, OR. I used to go under the name tapemountain, but I thought I'd change my user name to something less prosaic. Actually, Mythicon is kind of the spiritual ancestor of Tape Mountain (my record label) and I like Sorcerer a lot, though mostly for the music.

    I'm into 4-track recording, old technology (currently into mimeographing), the way the air smells at night, independent comics and zines, Circus Atari, Odyssey^2 Basketball!, lots of other things.

  20. #60
    Great Puma (Level 12) Achika's Avatar
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    Default Hmm let's try this again.

    My name is Adrienne, I'm 20 and go to school/live in Detroit. I'm a junior in Photography at CCS. I love videogames, especially the Dreamcast, and I have a soft spot for Ulala.

    I took a semester to study in New York so that's where I'll be until the end of may 2003. I quite my 3 year term of Funcoland and came out here. I've got an internship with Polaroid 20x24 studio, so I'll be working with any big name artist that comes in there. Plus I get to make some 20x24 Polaroid shots for myself.

    My bf honestly doesn't mean my videogame collection any harm, it just seems that way sometimes, but he starts out with good intentions.

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