Hey, just thought I'd let some of you know about my upcoming radio show on Shoutcast. Here's my angle: I'm gonna make it sort of a 'Video Game Variety Hour', with music, discussions, banter, co-hosts, reviews, and even a contest. That's right, a contest, for a prize. It's not gonna be expensive or anything, but I think whoever wins it will agree that it's a neat videogame related memento. This variety will also extend to the music played; I'll try to mix it up between stuff like Minibosses, OCRemix, VGMix, Rocked-out Versions, Techno Versions, OSTs, and possibly some stuff you haven't heard. There *will* be a heavy emphasis on requests- feel free to reply to this thread with requests, but only if you're probably gonna listen. I'll try to take requests during the show, too, but beforehand might be better, since I can plan the playlist.
Anyway, I'm gonna be planning for this all week, and I aim to make it pretty damn entertaining! Tune in- I won't let ya down! Here are the details:
What: Gaming Age Radio
When: Debuts Friday, Feb 18th, 7pm-10pm PST
Where: http://gamingage.servegame.com (stream)
http://cvasoc.com/NGI/chat/ (chatroom)
http://kngi.servegame.com (friend's mirror of the stream, if mine gets full, God willing!)
Who: Myself, and 1-2 friends as Co-Hosts- Comin' straight out of... Lynnwood, WA?
Why: Because I want to do justice to the memory of the greatest radio show on Earth, Super Radio X (www.superradiox.com), and because I enjoy entertaining people.
I know some of you might actually be doing stuff on a Friday Night, but if you can listen for even part of the show, I promise it will be worth your while. As I said, a lot of planning will go into this, and judging from the warm reception my test broadcast got, there's a good chance you'll enjoy my DJ-ing. Give me a chance!
I'm giddy right now, so I probably forgot some info... any questions, reply to this thread, or email me at ericface at hotmail dot com. Or hit me up on MSN Messenger or AIM (EricDewd).
(ps- anybody who wants to make a show ident for me, feel free! I'll send you a dollar- no lies!)