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Thread: If prices or rarities seem "off", POST THEM HERE

  1. #41
    Strawberry (Level 2)
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    Thanks for you're information. Yes maybe I'm a bit wrong with my information about some games. I think it's also the difference between the UK, where the distribution of NGP was much mbetter then in the Netherlands, we're distribution stopped after the release of Dark Arms. So here you won't see that many clamshell versions of Sonic. Also I had much more trouble catching Dive Alert Matt, then with the Becky version, but that was years ago.

    About Pocket Reversi, I know three owners in The Netherlands, got mine last year for only 10$ brand new.

    About the b/w games, I think KoF R-1 is the most common of the English. I see that one popping up every now and then.

    Oh and you have a great collection oh and if you find some other copy of Neo geo Cup '98 Plus please point it to me as I really want that game.

  2. #42
    ServBot (Level 11) hydr0x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharp
    Pocket Tennis EUR R8
    Damn this is the other game I still missing, damn hard to catch this game in English version.
    hah, i've got it, boxed and absolutely mint, it came with my NGP i bought from ebay, both together did cost me 30€, everything boxed, the seller had some more of those packages iirc

    give me a Primal Rage or DarXide 32X and it's yours

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    Quote Originally Posted by hydr0x

    hah, i've got it, boxed and absolutely mint, it came with my NGP i bought from ebay, both together did cost me 30€, everything boxed, the seller had some more of those packages iirc

    give me a Primal Rage or DarXide 32X and it's yours
    I would have give you my Kizuna Encounte PAL Neo Geo AES if I had one

  4. #44
    Chaos Knight

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    On the KoF R1 front UK b&w wise, it turns up as much as Samuari Spirits does. Was forgetting about it there. Maybe a little more. So that'll sit at the lowest occurance rarity, but it's still about R5 or R6 level.

    I got lucky with my NGC 98 Plus UK b&w copy. Found a seller in Spain with one. However he would only take bank transfer and he didn't speak a word of English! Not to let these barriers stop me, I persuaded him to allow me to send him cash Euros instead. All went well thankfully, and about 10 days after sending the money, I got my game.

    Total cost? 50 Euros. Seeing as a complete copy had recently sold on eBay for four times that amount (and I had lost out on) then I was very pleased

  5. #45
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    I still think that the US stuff needs to be bumped up (and taken off of the Complete and moved to the Cart listings) but I'm pretty sure that its Larry's and not your call right Mat (at least for the US stuff)?
    Because it makes no attempt to be great, it is therefore extremely great.
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  6. #46
    Chaos Knight

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    As the section is priced as "complete" to begin with... it's hard to section off Last Blade and Faselei, which is why I put the disclaimer about both in the description field.

    To my knowledge, I'm in charge of the whole NGPC section now. I think so. Got the impression when talking to Joe but I could be wrong. Still, it'll be looked at when I return from holiday

  7. #47
    classicus carnivorous
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gapporin
    A little threadjack here:

    I was looking in the Atari section, and I noticed that the Touch Pad was given a R2. Then, I saw that Star Raiders (w/ Touch Pad) was given a R1. Does this mean that Star Raiders is more common than the Touch Pad? Should the Touch Pad be an R1 or R2?
    You're reading it right. The cart is ever-so-slightly more common than the controller.

  8. #48
    classicus carnivorous
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    Quote Originally Posted by PapaStu
    I still think that the US stuff needs to be bumped up (and taken off of the Complete and moved to the Cart listings) but I'm pretty sure that its Larry's and not your call right Mat (at least for the US stuff)?
    Mat is the primary editor of the NGPS section.

  9. #49
    Chaos Knight

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    Quote Originally Posted by digitalpress
    You're reading it right. The cart is ever-so-slightly more common than the controller.
    Was the cart sold at some point without the controller? Or have some of the controllers gone wayward over time compared to the carts? Peaked my curiousity here

  10. #50
    Great Puma (Level 12)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mayhem
    Quote Originally Posted by digitalpress
    You're reading it right. The cart is ever-so-slightly more common than the controller.
    Was the cart sold at some point without the controller? Or have some of the controllers gone wayward over time compared to the carts? Peaked my curiousity here
    How about we save ourselves the trouble of finding out and just call them both R1/$1? Even if the controller is slightly rarer than the cart, it's still common as dirt.

  11. #51
    classicus carnivorous
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keir to the nth power
    Quote Originally Posted by Mayhem
    Quote Originally Posted by digitalpress
    You're reading it right. The cart is ever-so-slightly more common than the controller.
    Was the cart sold at some point without the controller? Or have some of the controllers gone wayward over time compared to the carts? Peaked my curiousity here
    How about we save ourselves the trouble of finding out and just call them both R1/$1? Even if the controller is slightly rarer than the cart, it's still common as dirt.
    Yeah this is about the least interesting conversation we've ever had in this forum

  12. #52
    Apple (Level 5)
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    Concerning the original DB:GT (PSX), we now know there were almost 20,000 copies sold. The rarest PSX US releases (aside from stuff like 2Ball - we should do a roll call on who has this demo, btw - and some of the Lightspan games) had 3-4000 copies sold. I think DB and Papastu are on the money when they list only 3 non-Lightspan games as R8. R7 is what I would consider similar to ER on my own list, and my guide is that if I can confirm 12000+ sold or see them with any frequency on ebay and in private sales, they're not ER.

  13. #53
    Peach (Level 3)
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    Thought I might contribute a few points. I collected all 248 US Dreamcast games once… and then sold the collection. I started recollecting them again and am about 24 games short of having the complete collection. I’ve done this mostly through eBay, so I’d thought I’d take a look through the list and see if anything jumped out at me as being off on rarity. Feel free to absorb/discard recommendations.

    102 Dalmations, currently R2 – I say R1 = you can get this anytime, anywhere
    Caesar’s Palace 2000, currently R3 – I say R4 = one of the first titles on my search list, one of the last titles that I obtained (still don’t have it the second time around) – shows up a handful of times on eBay in a month
    Dead or Alive 2, currently R3 – I say R2 = easily obtainable, I’ve sold dozens
    Deep Fighter, currently R3 – I say R4, maybe R5 = ditto Palace 2000 comment
    Disney’s Dinosaur, currently R3 – definitely R4
    Dragon Riders – currently R2 – should be R4, it’s pretty hard to come by
    ESPN – both titles can be bumped up a notch – they’re not easy to get (I’m still looking for Track and Field)
    F1 – up to R3
    Grinch – same as F1
    Gundam – bring down to R3 – it’s not easy to come by, but it’s readily available
    Heavy Metal – R2
    Hoyle – up to R4
    Illbleed – should be R2, if not R3
    Kao – should be R4, possibly R5
    Max Steel - should be R2, if not R3
    Mr. Driller – should be R4
    Namco Museum – possibly bring it down to R3
    NBA Hoopz – R3
    Next Tetris – R3
    Roadsters – R3, probably R4
    Seventh Cross – R3
    Soul Calibur – it’s not rare, R1 – these things are everywhere
    Spider-Man – bring it down to R3, maybe R2
    Spirit of Speed 1937 – R4 – one of the harder titles to grab
    Tee Off – the R5 is way off – it’s R3
    Tokyo Racers – no rarity change, but neither is spelled “Extreme” – they are both “Xtreme” – that’s direct from the case
    Toy Story 2 – bring it up to R3, maybe R4
    Urban Chaos – ditto
    Wetrix – R3
    Who Wants to Beat – R3
    Worms World – might bring down to R4

    Anyway, feel free to use these. Also, if an editor/admin want to contact me, just PM and I’ll respond. I’d like to help/contribute and I have a decent knowledge of the Dreamcast stuff.

  14. #54
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    I have some suggestions about a few random rare Japanese titles. I've been living in Japan for about 9 months now (and I spent a year in Osaka prior to moving to Japan this time), and I've been frequenting plenty of used game stores, including the shops in Akihabara.

    Blast Wind, Saturn JP - A much rarer game than Radiant Silvergun actually. It never goes for all that much money but is extremely hard to find. I sold my original copy many years ago and spent nearly two years trying to find it again before stumbling upon it at a used Japanese game store in Hong Kong. I'd rate BW a solid 6, and I wouldn't be surprised if it moved up to 7 in a few years. Price of $50 to $60.

    Hyper Duel, Saturn JP - More valuable than Blast Wind but easier to find. I think there might be fewer copies available but it's more well known and more people are looking to buy it. R6, $90 to $100.

    Popful Mail, TurboGrafix 16 JP - Currently listed as an R8, this game is far more common than that. It's a late, late title for the system and still a little pricey but I have seen tons of copies of it here. I'd bump it down to an R7 for sure. Maybe even an R6... Price of $50 to $60, not $120. I hate to ask for a downgrade to a game I own, but the entry here is a little... "inflated."

    Remy Blaster, TurboGrafix 16 JP - I've seen this game in the collectors cases at used stores in Akiba and Osaka a few times, but I've never played or bought it. There's no entry at all for the game currently. It's probably an R7 or R8 just based on how hard it is to find for sale. Seems to go for $150 or so. I don't know who made it, supposedly it's a beat-em-up.

    Shinrei Jusatsushi Taromaru, Saturn JP - This is probably the rarest and most valuable "standard" run Japanese Saturn game. R8 for sure. I finally broke down and bought it a few days ago after finally finding a complete copy (many are missing the spine card, and most are missing a sticker that came with the game.) Goes for $240-$250 in Japan, even more overseas. The only Saturn games that go for more than this are promotional items, unreleased games, and other such oddities.

    Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire, TurboGrafix 16 JP - The price on this already horribly expensive game has gone up - incomplete (no spine card) copies are going for about $330, and complete copies are inching towards the $400 mark. A few years ago in Osaka I saw this game for sale in collectors stores pretty consistently, but it's been getting rarer and rarer. I went looking for it the last few times I've been in Akihabara and only one or two stores has been able to get it in stock. Still an R8 though.

    Dead of the Brain 1&2, TurboGrafix 16 JP - The price on this game has jumped up and it's gotten way harder to find. I'd still leave the rarity at 7, but the price is up closer to $140, at many places, $160.

    Langrisser IV & V Final Edition, Playstation JP - Currently not listed in the database. A slightly revamped port of Langrisser IV and V for the Saturn. Definitely in the "upper tiers" of PSX games, this game always goes to the collectors sections here. I'd rate it as R5, probably an R6 overseas. The prices on it vary wildly - I've seen it go for as little as $50, and as much as $90. Average seems to be around $60, $65.

    All these prices are conversions of the yen prices I see here than I did at random. No exchange rate calculations or anything. Hope this information is useful!

    EDIT: I noticed that I listed Hyper Duel as an R5... I meant to say R6. More common than Blast Wind but not R5 common by any means.

  15. #55
    Great Puma (Level 12) anagrama's Avatar
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    Just a minor one here: looks like there's been a warehouse find or something for Ghen War (PAL Saturn), judging by the plethora of unsold sealed copies on eBay anyway.
    Should probably be knocked down a touch from it's current rating of R5.

  16. #56
    Strawberry (Level 2)
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    Some other comment from this bastard.

    I think the European Sega rating are sometimes to much UK-focused. The Classic Collection with Gunstar Heroes , Flicky and 2 I forgot is in my opinion much rarer then Sega Sports one, as the UK are much smaller then the UK mainland. And there are more games I have this feeling with, but if wanted I can post a list.

  17. #57
    Great Puma (Level 12) anagrama's Avatar
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    The problem with regional variations like you mention is that there isn't an even spread games across Europe - while being much smaller in size, the UK accounts for well over half of all PAL MD games on eBay at any one time and given that, it's only right for things to be slightly weighted in that direction.

    The Classic Collection is pretty common over here - I know I could walk into town this afternoon and buy 2 different copies if I wanted, for example. Having said that, an R4 rating might be fairer overall - I'll make a note to have a better look at it when I have a chance.
    Also, Flicky is already rated higher (R5) than the Sega Sports comp (R4).

    Feel free to PM me if you've got any thoughts on any other ratings - I'm not trying to just shrug off your comments, and would be happy to discuss any others.

  18. #58
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    Casino poker (Channel F) has only turned up three times in three years and only on Ebay, Alien invasion has turned up almost then times, CP needs to be a R9/$50 as it only shows up on Ebay.

    The RCA Studio II section needs to be ravamped,

    Bingo, like Conversational French, may never show up again and should finally be a R10, there is only 2 or 3 copies known to exist and should be noted in the description so we don't deceive anyone hunting for it.

    Gunfighter/MB I have only seen one copy change hands since 2002 and I lost out on it, that game should be a R8 or 9, and worth at least $25, that game is deceptively hard to find.

    Speedway/Tag probably the same as GF/MB, but only worth like $10, another elusive game to locate.

    TV Schoolhouse II should be a R7 or R8, I have only seen 3 or 4 copies since 2002 and is worth at least $25, this game is much rarer than TV Schoolhouse I. If Al Backiel still maintains this section then this should be forwarded to him.

    The Sega Genesis whack a critter controller needs to be added to the database, it should be at least a R9 as I have seen only one person who has one in 4 years of searching for one of these things, I have no idea on value though.
    If they made a movie out of your top five worst sins, what would it be rated?

    Check out my list of trades on GameTZ Link

  19. #59
    classicus carnivorous
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    All comments to date have been noted. Look for some changes in the next online update scheduled Friday night.

    Thanks as always for your diligence, folks!

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by anagrama
    Just a minor one here: looks like there's been a warehouse find or something for Ghen War (PAL Saturn), judging by the plethora of unsold sealed copies on eBay anyway.
    Should probably be knocked down a touch from it's current rating of R5.
    I agree with that too, at the time I worked out the ratings I hadn't seen a copy up for months hence the R5 yet recently there's been a flood of them so yeah I think it needs to be changed down to a R4 or possibally even R3.

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