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Thread: Gungriffon & Gungriffon 2 (Saturn)

  1. #1
    ServBot (Level 11) Iron Draggon's Avatar
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    Default Gungriffon & Gungriffon 2 (Saturn)

    Does anybody here own the American version and the Japanese version of Gunfriffon? I know the US version doesn't have the FMV into that uses the VCD card, although the file for it is still on the disc, but I'm just wondering if there are any other differences. I just played Gungriffon 2, which is a Japan only release, and then I played the American version of Gungriffon, and I just can't help thinking that the first game must've been regionalized quite a bit! Maybe I'm incorrect, but I'm just thinking that the Japanese version is much more similar to Gungriffon 2 than it is to the American version of Gungriffon.

    The reason I think this is because the menu screens and the mission briefing screens are very different from each other, and the differences don't seem to be typical differences between an original game and its sequel. They just look very regionalized to me. The American version of Gungriffon has very glamorous looking menu screens and mission briefing screens, but Gungriffon 2 has very conservative looking menu screens and mission briefing screens, to the point that it looks alot more like Gungriffon 2 was the original game and Gungriffon was the sequel, until you get to the actual gameplay, and then Gungriffon 2 is obviously a graphical improvement of Gungriffon. So now I'm really curious to know what the Japanese version of Gungriffon is like also!

    Anyhow, all that aside, Gungriffon 2 is a great mech game! I've heard that it's the closest you can get to Armored Core on the Saturn, which makes it sound much better than it really is though. I think it's actually alot more like Iron Soldier 3 on the Saturn, but with Armored Core graphics. So it seems to me that the comparisons between it and Armored Core are more between the graphics than the gameplay. The gameplay is far more like Iron Soldier 3 to me, but the graphics look a little better than that game's graphics do to me, and they certainly look alot better than the original game's graphics do.

    So, the gameplay is basically unchanged from that of the original game, but the graphics are noticeably enhanced. I wish that I had the Japanese version of the original game too though, so I could tell how much of it is different from the sequel in its home region, rather than comparing it across two very different regions. You just never know how much of a game has gotten the Hollywood makeover treatment before being released on American shores, until you compare it to its Japanese counterpart and see the differences, so I guess I'm gonna have to get the Japanese version of the original game. I don't normally do that, but in this case I may have to make an exception, unless someone here can tell me for sure that both versions of the original are essentially identical, other than the VCD card enhanced FMV intro that I already know about, and of course all the text would be a huge difference. But was there anymore regionalization besides translation? If there was, I really wanna own both versions, but if there wasn't I really don't need to.
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  2. #2
    Pretzel (Level 4)
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    Just going by the intro and the first mission Ukraine, I don't see any difference between the two.

  3. #3
    ServBot (Level 11) Iron Draggon's Avatar
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    OK, thanks for the info. It just seems like alot more polish was added to all the menus in the first game, but maybe that's because alot more polish as added to the in-game graphics in the second game. They do look much improved.
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  4. #4
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    I own the US ver. of Gungriffon and the JP ver. of Gungriffon 2.

    Graphically, I always thought GG looked better than GG2..

  5. #5
    Bell (Level 8)
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    I will second GG looks better than GG2 imho

  6. #6
    ServBot (Level 11) Iron Draggon's Avatar
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    WOW, really? The gameplay in GG2 looks much better than the gameplay in GG1 to me! I think it's much less pixelated.
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  7. #7
    Bell (Level 8)
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    don't know about others but pixelated picture never bothers me...

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