View Poll Results: Why do you collect for the N-Gage?

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  • I like the games and the system.

    30 31.91%
  • I got a bunch of games cheap so why not go get them all.

    21 22.34%
  • Its different and has a unique place in gaming history.

    31 32.98%
  • I don't really like the games but its easy to collect for.

    12 12.77%
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Thread: N-Gage collectors thread

  1. #61

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    The N-Gage has thousands of great games! I bought an N-Gage about a month ago at a Gamestop. The clerk asked me why I would want an N-Gage, and I told him that I just wanted something very small that could play Gameboy games. Everybody always brings their keys, wallet, and phone with them... but you rarely have the extra room for a GBA SP, let alone a DS or PSP. Of course, the clerk acted like I was an idiot. Apparently he buys into all of the latest hype, but doesn't actually know what he is selling. The N-Gage can even play ripped music CDs and ripped DVD movies!

    But yeah, the N-Gage plays Gameboy, Super Gameboy, and Gameboy Color games, but not Gameboy Advance games. It can also play NES and SNES games too, though the SNES games run really slow, but fast enough for slower paced games such as RPGs (Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, etc). The best set of emulators for the N-Gage are here:

    I highly recommend the vBoy emulator, as it is only $10 USA dollars, and it runs every GB, SGB, and GBC game at full speed and resolution. The NES and SNES emulators have to scale down the screen to get it to fit on the N-Gage's smaller screen, which can make some game text hard to read. Anyway, with vBoy and a large MMC flash card loaded with Gameboy games, you are well prepared for those boring situtations you sometimes find yourself in... when you only have your keys, wallet, and phone.

    Oh and in that situation, just imagine what you would do if you were a PSP owner. Answer: day dream about playing your PSP, which you left at home because it was just too big to take along with your keys, wallet, and phone

  2. #62
    Strawberry (Level 2)
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    Default Re: N-Gage current games list ranked top to bottom

    Quote Originally Posted by classicb
    4. Colin McRae Rally 2005
    Just wanted to give a heads up to people that actually do own a N-Gage and not this wonderfull buy this damn game. It truly is one of the best N-Gage titles and a great game period (for any system). I was kind of leary, seeing that it was rally and all, but I thought for $5 (EB's sale), what the hell. Totally worth $5...and would have been worth the full $25. Besides being just plain addicting, the graphics are just awesome (for the N-Gage of course). The replays--well you just have to see them to believe. Buy it!!

  3. #63
    Banana (Level 7) classicb's Avatar
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    Default Re: N-Gage current games list ranked top to bottom

    Quote Originally Posted by poopnes
    Quote Originally Posted by classicb
    4. Colin McRae Rally 2005
    Just wanted to give a heads up to people that actually do own a N-Gage and not this wonderfull buy this damn game. It truly is one of the best N-Gage titles and a great game period (for any system). I was kind of leary, seeing that it was rally and all, but I thought for $5 (EB's sale), what the hell. Totally worth $5...and would have been worth the full $25. Besides being just plain addicting, the graphics are just awesome (for the N-Gage of course). The replays--well you just have to see them to believe. Buy it!!
    Honestly at times this game would be my number two game. It's hands down the best racer on the N-Gage. It may very well have the best graphics of any game on the N-Gage but that's only a side note in what makes this game great. Every time I pick it up to play I'm just surprised by how much they were able to cram into this little portable game on a MMC card.

    I also want to say that the same team that developed Colin Mcrae is developing System Rush (which is a Wipeout type game) which is looking like a great N-Gage racing game as well.

    Pick this game up if you own a N-Gage the $5 sale is over but it's still easily worth the $19.99 it goes for normally. In fact at this point in time it is hands down the best portable rally game out there.

  4. #64
    Strawberry (Level 2)
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    Default Re: N-Gage current games list ranked top to bottom

    Quote Originally Posted by classicb
    Quote Originally Posted by poopnes
    Quote Originally Posted by classicb
    4. Colin McRae Rally 2005
    Just wanted to give a heads up to people that actually do own a N-Gage and not this wonderfull buy this damn game. It truly is one of the best N-Gage titles and a great game period (for any system). I was kind of leary, seeing that it was rally and all, but I thought for $5 (EB's sale), what the hell. Totally worth $5...and would have been worth the full $25. Besides being just plain addicting, the graphics are just awesome (for the N-Gage of course). The replays--well you just have to see them to believe. Buy it!!
    Honestly at times this game would be my number two game. It's hands down the best racer on the N-Gage. It may very well have the best graphics of any game on the N-Gage but that's only a side note in what makes this game great. Every time I pick it up to play I'm just surprised by how much they were able to cram into this little portable game on a MMC card.

    I also want to say that the same team that developed Colin Mcrae is developing System Rush (which is a Wipeout type game) which is looking like a great N-Gage racing game as well.

    Pick this game up if you own a N-Gage the $5 sale is over but it's still easily worth the $19.99 it goes for normally. In fact at this point in time it is hands down the best portable rally game out there.
    Yea I guess I should have mentioned just how big this game is. The back of the box said 64 tracks. and I thought "sure there's 64 if you count backwards and mirrored". But there actually are 64 tracks. And then there's Arena play. Honestly, I couldn't say enough good things about this game.

    PS-The $5 sale is still going on, at least on

  5. #65
    Banana (Level 7) classicb's Avatar
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    well acording to Nokia Xanadu Next is shipping. I haven't been able to find anywhere near me and I still have stores selling N-Gage stuff. The only people I know that have picked it up are living in the UK so I hope this game gets stateside soon. Although I've heard the game is tuff and has distant save points. Anyone in the States been able to find this game and pick it up yet. It seems the print runs on N-Gage games gets lower and lower with each game maybe its in anticipation of the new Nokia Smartphones being able to download the games. Either way Xanadu Next (while I don't know much about the series other than its popular in Japan) should be a collectors item.

  6. #66
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    Default has xanadu next for $19.99 preorder. might be worth ordering to assure a copy.

    and the game high seize? id buy it...

  7. #67
    Strawberry (Level 2)
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    Has anyone else had a N-Gage game die on them? My Tomb Raider card just quit on me. The 'ol QD doesn't even do a thing when I insert it. No more shadow racing... *cries* =) Seriously, I'm beginning to think that I'm not going to play my N-Gage games anymore because of this unfortunate incident. Now if I could find a site that actually had the "images"...

  8. #68
    Key (Level 9) Gemini-Phoenix's Avatar
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    Ok. Time for me to butt in here as I have been neglecting this thread for ages.

    I'm a UK Ngager. I have also taken it upon myself to collect all the games. Sealed. Not such a hard feat seeing as there are only a handful of titles out. Wrong...

    It seems impossible to get new releases here. All game shops and mobile phone shops have stopped stocking them (At least, around my area they have) - Yet Nokia keep releasing games. But where to???

    eBay has been my friend for a long long time. Yet not this time. Ok, so I have gotten a few bargain Ngage games from there recently, but they really are few and far between. All that ever seems to be on there are the first dozen releases which are a dime a dozen and everyone has anyway.

    Still, I did manage to snag a nice sealed copy of Sega Rally for only £20 a few months back - A game which many people believe to not even exist (Only released in Australia, and a good job too as it is poo)

    Actually - I lie. My local GameStation does have a few newer releases. WWE Aftershock and Worms World Party. But they want £34.99 each!!!

    Now I don't know about you, but I resent paying £35 for an Ngage game. Especially a WWE game. And especially seeing as how all my other games (With the exception of Sega Rally) have all been under £15 a piece.

    I also make the game count 58 - But that is including the as yet unreleased titles which have been announced on the official Ngage site (It also includes Snake 3D) - Without the unreleased games, I make it 40 (Still including Snake 3D and also Sega Rally too)

    Whatever happened to "Memories" and "Virtua Cop"? Are these still being developed? Or have they pulled the plug?

    Anyway, here is a pic of my collection so far. Halfway more or less. With the exception of Sega Rally, all are the UK releases.

    Note the Virtua Tennis spine WITH Virtua Tennis logo on it.

    Since that picture was taken, I have added "Operation Shadow" and "Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory"

    And yes, I have two copies of Monkey Ball. I started off buying and playing my games, but then decided to collect them all sealed (Like my DreamCast collection) - Hence why there are two.

    Usually I would've sold the unsealed double, but I really love this game, and think it is one of the Ngage's better few...

  9. #69
    Peach (Level 3) Slimedog's Avatar
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    So I found out my job pays for my monthly cell phone bill. So with the T-Mobile deal of Nokia's website they actually paid me $50 (rebate) to take a QD with Tony Hawk. And I finally figured out a way to expense a game system to my company. This makes me happy on so many levels.

    When they make the system download only, I'll stop buying. I just need to have the game on my shelf or it doesn't seem real to me. Maybe I'm just bitter for getting shafted on my Xbox Arcade content when my system went all China Syndrome, but I really don't want to buy games without a physical manifestation anymore.

    Now for the questions. How do you get downloaded stuff onto it? I don't have arena and no bluetooth on my PC. Also, does anybody know how to disable or prolong the time before the backlight turns off during gameplay? Also, just to clarify, Virtua Cop and Alien Front were not released and have been cancled, correct?

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by classicb
    Quote Originally Posted by ubersaurus
    Add me to the crowd of people who have n-gage's now :P

    I'm looking to pick up Pocket Kingdoms soon. How's KOF for it Is Worms out yet? I'm interested in hearing how that is, too.
    Picket Kingdoms is great I don't think you will be disapointed.
    Pocket Kingdom blows. I really can't see what all the fuss was about- the game's so damn passive. You don't get to control your characters in battle, you can barely customize your troops (naming them would have been a nice touch), you pretty much shop and heal. It's an extremely barebones RPG with no gameplay at all outside the menu system. I was extremely disapointed.

  11. #71
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slimedog
    Now for the questions. How do you get downloaded stuff onto it? I don't have arena and no bluetooth on my PC. Also, does anybody know how to disable or prolong the time before the backlight turns off during gameplay? Also, just to clarify, Virtua Cop and Alien Front were not released and have been cancled, correct?
    You can take out the MMC and put it into an card reader. And if you don't have one, they cost only 10€.
    I don't like the idea of "download only" but to be honest - even if I buy a game I download a cracked version and put it on my 256MB MMC. I just don't want to take 4 or 5 MMCs with me just to play a game and nearly every N-Gage User does this. So the download idea fits the system.

    Xanadu Next is not a very good game. It has too many loading screens and it's really hard and unbalanced. I don't think it will become a collectors item. I'm lucky to have this:

  12. #72
    Banana (Level 7) classicb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daria
    Quote Originally Posted by classicb
    Quote Originally Posted by ubersaurus
    Add me to the crowd of people who have n-gage's now :P

    I'm looking to pick up Pocket Kingdoms soon. How's KOF for it Is Worms out yet? I'm interested in hearing how that is, too.
    Picket Kingdoms is great I don't think you will be disapointed.
    Pocket Kingdom blows. I really can't see what all the fuss was about- the game's so damn passive. You don't get to control your characters in battle, you can barely customize your troops (naming them would have been a nice touch), you pretty much shop and heal. It's an extremely barebones RPG with no gameplay at all outside the menu system. I was extremely disapointed.
    well I don't really like RPGs that much so maybe that says something about this game since i really liked it. yes, its very simple and requires more menu navagating than anything else. I found it very addictive to build up my party and forge weapons and shields than take it online to see how well my party would do against others. PK2 has been anounced already so it will be interesting to see what changes they make. people who even liked the game had similar complaints to yours so will see.

  13. #73
    Key (Level 9) Gemini-Phoenix's Avatar
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    I agree. I require a physical manifestation of something. I especially believe this if I am spending my good hard earned cash on something - I don't want to spend money on something that technically doesn't exist (Virtual = Doesn't exist)

    But - I keep all my games sealed. I use the cracked versions of games so that I can still play my games - The ones that are sealed that is.

    I don't like the idea of download only. I hate the idea of it for music, and I hate it for games too. I realy hope Nokia don't go in this direction...

    Half the fun of gaming is the collecting aspect of it. Who's going to want to collect used MMC cards or virtual files? I want something I can display on my shelf - Not a shelf full of various copied discs / cards...

    Call me old fashioned, but it's just wrong. It's just another way these companies are trying to get maximum profit from not actually doing much. They want to get money for doing practically nothing in the process

  14. #74
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    a xanadu next NFR too? damn...

  15. #75
    Banana (Level 7) classicb's Avatar
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    Well Glimerati was released now so that make 41 US releases for the N-Gage. Xanadu Next is still no where to be seen in the states. It is supposed to be released and Gamestop's status on the game went from pre-order to back order which isn't a very good sign that they ever even got any. It does seem to be released over seas since I've read several peoples impressions of the game over on the N-Gage boards. From what I've heard it sounds like a pretty borderline game with high difficulty. I'm hoping Glimerati will be good its been in the N-Gage hype machine long enough. Mixed reviews of it so far from the pro sites.

  16. #76
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    if im not mistaken they had xanadu next at my local gamestop...?

    ill call them and see...

    EDIT: at my local gamestop new for $19.99

  17. #77
    Banana (Level 7) classicb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qbertandernie
    if im not mistaken they had xanadu next at my local gamestop...?

    ill call them and see...

    EDIT: at my local gamestop new for $19.99
    cool... so it is indeed here in the US. just in very limited quantities probably. Are you going go pick it up?

  18. #78
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    i put it on hold...good thing i stopped there yesterday and noticed it. ill post a scan when i get around to it. hopefully today.

    maybe it'll turn out to be the rarest ngage game ever and ill have it!

  19. #79
    Banana (Level 7) classicb's Avatar
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    well I just called a bunch of Gamestops (5 to be exact) seems like they either didn't get any because they don't stock N-Gage games anymore or they got 1 copy. All stores that I called that got 1 copy had already sold it.

  20. #80
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    to my knowledge the gamestop i am going to is the only store in toledo that carries ngage stuff anymore, or id happily pick up extras for anyone who cared.

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