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Thread: Everything Auctions forum rules *Read before posting*

  1. #1
    Kirby (Level 13) Drexel923's Avatar
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    Default Everything Auctions forum rules *Read before posting*

    Most of these rules you guys already know from the Buying and Selling forum, but I figured I'd post the ones relevant here (with a few changes).

    1. In courtesy to others, if you have multiple auctions please post them in one thread. The more unnecessary threads you create shuffle other member’s posts off the front page. Also, to conserve space, mods may combine topics at their discretion. The only exception to this rule is if you are posting different kinds of threads...example: one thread for personal auctions and another for joke auctions. Even then, we ask that you combine your threads as much as possible (multiple jokes in one thread).

    2. If you absolutely must bump your topic, please only do so after a period of 24 hours. If you have new information to add, please add it at the time of a bump. If you add info after an hour and bump it, you'll ruffle the feathers of the mods.

    3. Don't march into a thread and state that you can get an item for $X elsewhere. If you think their price may be too high, don't be rude about it. If others feel the same way, then it won't sell. This is a hobby where each person gives an item a different monetary worth. While it's fine to look out for others, people should also do research into the item they are buying.

    If you have any questions or problems, feel free to let myself, Mayhem, or Flack know.

  2. #2
    Kirby (Level 13) Drexel923's Avatar
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    Also, this is not a rule but more of a recommendation...for threads relating to your personal auctions, it may be better to still include FA in the subject of the thread. This may help members pick out the real auctions from the joke ones.

  3. #3
    Kirby (Level 13) Griking's Avatar
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    Are there rules as to the amount of times a person can bump a single post about their auctions? I'm finding that some people are posting 7 day auctions and then bump their messages about them every other day and then one last time a few hours or so before the auctions end. It gets annoying.

  4. #4
    Kirby (Level 13) Drexel923's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Griking
    Are there rules as to the amount of times a person can bump a single post about their auctions? I'm finding that some people are posting 7 day auctions and then bump their messages about them every other day and then one last time a few hours or so before the auctions end. It gets annoying.
    It's the same rule for the Buying and Selling forum...only one bump allowed within a 24 hour period.

  5. #5
    Pear (Level 6) rpepper9's Avatar
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    Please can we all try to make reading the forums a bit easier by putting huge, long links in the correct context. That way we won't have to scroll from side to side when reading a post.

    It is super easy, here is how it is done:

    when entering a link don't use just the standard [ url ] link and then paste your huge long link. Use the [ url=(your link) ] and then text in the middle along with the close tag at the end like this:

    [ url=http:// ] Link Text [ /url ]

    This will keep people from having to scroll side to side when reading all the posts in the forum. The key here is that you put the http:// info in the first [url] tag with a = sign as shown above and as re-explained in the "post a reply" spot.

    This will make reading the posts a lot easier on everyone.

    I hope this doesn't step on any moderators toes, but I feel this would be a great addition to the ebay posting rules.

    Condoleezza Rice is nice, but I prefer A Roni!

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