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Thread: Intellivision woes

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Default Intellivision woes

    My main question is: Is it possible to actually repair those damn things once the Enter key stops responding, and the disk gets flakey.. I'm having a really hard time finding decent INTV2 controllers, 'cause no one sells them and mine are getting to be aged.. Is there a way to convert another system's controller, or flat out build my own? Maybe a keyboard hack? Anything?


    I have an INTV2 that had a paperclip fall in it when it was on. It turned off. It hasn't turned on since. Is there hope for him? What tools would I need, and what would I do to find and repair the damage? I'm handy with a soldering iron, but that's about as far as I've gone.

    Thanks a lot, everyone.

  2. #2
    Pac-Man (Level 10) omnedon's Avatar
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    Well, get an Intelly One. I have 2 spare "untested" INTV2 controllers that "look" good. Those INTV2 controllers are irrepairable, being gued shut and all. INTV ones can be repaired with cleaning/replacing the MPCB's, replacing cables, etc.

    You're welcome to trade me something for these INTV2 controllers, but I can't test them, as I have no working INTV2 decks.

    Long term, I think you are better off with an INTV 1.INTV1 controllers are totally fixable. As far as the dead deck goes, no doubt something got shorted/blown. The real trick is to find out what got blown, then it may be replaceable. Troubleshooting specific IC's and all is a bit beyond my current skill level. Better off finding a better working one.

    PM me if you want to give my spare INTV2's a go.
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