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Thread: Modern multi-console games: figuring out best version?

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    Great Puma (Level 12)
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    Default Modern multi-console games: figuring out best version?

    How to choose? Is there anyplace to look that does side-by-side comparisons? Or do you just have to read a lot of reviews and hope that they make comparisons along the way?

    One might assume that the Xbox version will look best, but will probably only be marginally better than GCN. But then, gameplay issues should outweigh minor graphical differences. For example, I read that the recent PS2 release of Wreckless, while graphically inferior, fixed a lot of annoying crap found in the initial Xbox release.

    *Note: consciously avoiding considerations of fanboyism and haterism*
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    Chaos Knight

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    Generally the PS2 version will look the worst and the ported versions will play better/have more stuff in...

  3. #3
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Not quite true. GameCube's tiny 1.5 gigabyte format often forces developers to leave out movies and/or extras.
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    Pear (Level 6)
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    but for wreckless, since it came out on the PS2 almost a year later, the makers of the game probobly found out what people didnt like and fixed those. But i have one question for you guys

    Which modern system has the best graphics?
    Here is my opinion:

    1.GC or XBOX
    2.GC or XBOX
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    Chaos Knight

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    Quote Originally Posted by gamingguy
    Not quite true. GameCube's tiny 1.5 gigabyte format often forces developers to leave out movies and/or extras.
    And DVDs aren't that much bigger... besides the GC has better compresion techniques meaning the REAL amount of data on the discs isn't that different...

  6. #6
    Bell (Level 8)
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    Given the choice, I would probably lean to PS2 for the large selection of PS2 & PSX games, particularly the RPG.

    OTOH when the GBA adapter comes out, Gamecube would have the ability to play thousands of games. Plus it's got Metroid Prime, PSO, and the upcoming Zelda.

    XBox ranks the lowest on my list as it doesn't have much games worth blowing over $200. Plus it hads broadband only connection, which shuts out anyone who don't have such access. Also unless M$ had a voice to text converter, the XBox Live system wouldn't do well with hard of hearing and deafs like me. I tink M$ should have stuck with making Windows as buggy as possible because I could at least download 3rd party software to fix or baypass Window's handicaps.
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    Peach (Level 3)
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    Well, I don't give a crap about graphics, for me it's always about the controls. Which 99% of the time means I'm getting the PS2 version.

  8. #8
    Peach (Level 3)
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    I don't think there is a definite answer to this question. I think you still have to go on a game by game basis.

    PS I think CrazyIm$pm$on m$isunderstood the question

  9. #9
    Authordreamweavervisionar yplusactor Arcade Antics's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by congobongo
    I don't think there is a definite answer to this question. I think you still have to go on a game by game basis.
    Absolutely true.
    Selling collection, Atari through XBox. Send a PM with whatever games you're looking for.

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    Great Puma (Level 12)
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    @Impmon--yeah, I was really talking about game selection when a game comes out for multiple systems, rather than selecting which system to buy. It'$ the rich ba$tard$ who have (or intend to have) more than one modern $ystem who worry about $uch rarefied matter$. (But not the ultra-rich ba$$$tard$$$ who can just buy all versions of a game)

    @mayhem--I agree in general with your two guidelines, but sometimes the PS2 gets the later port with the improvements and extras, which complicates matters somewhat (e.g., Wreckless).

    @GENESISNES--I'm not sure exactly what to make of your three line opinion.

    @gamingguy and/or mayhem--so can either of you tell me how much "raw" (pre-compression) data can be squeezed onto a GCN disc versus a PS2/Xbox DVD, or else what the effective difference is? In particular, gamingguy, since GCN discs "often" force cuts, what are some games that have had stuff chopped out?

    @butta--aren't there adapters out there that let you use a Dual Shock on the Xbox or on the GCN? That would address your concern and let you select the "best" version if only non-controller factors are considered (which may well still be the PS2 release).

    OK, so that brings me to congobongo, saying that you have to go on a game-by-game basis. I take this to mean "read a bunch of reviews for each game on each system."

    To clarify, I'm not looking to be a graphics whore on this, unless the versions are nearly identical. Really, I'm just trying to figure out if there's anybody anywhere, review-wise, who's trying to make a reasoned assessment on which version of a game is the one to get, so at least I'll have an opinion to disagree with when I get around to getting a version of the game.
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    Peach (Level 3)
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    Quote Originally Posted by bargora
    OK, so that brings me to congobongo, saying that you have to go on a game-by-game basis. I take this to mean "read a bunch of reviews for each game on each system."
    You're right. I didn't answer your question. I don't think there is a source for this kind of cross-referencing yet. What's really funny is if you look at some of these games that have multiple-system reviews in EGM, one person will review the PS2 version, give it a 9 then another person will review the GC or XBox version and give it a 6. Not because one version is superior to the other, simply because two different people reviewed it and had a different take. What they should do is have the same person review both, give an overall score then state the pros and cons of each port.

  12. #12
    Authordreamweavervisionar yplusactor Arcade Antics's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bargora
    Really, I'm just trying to figure out if there's anybody anywhere, review-wise, who's trying to make a reasoned assessment on which version of a game is the one to get, so at least I'll have an opinion to disagree with when I get around to getting a version of the game.
    At the risk of rehashing what Congobongo already said, the answer is no. The BEST thing to do is to try out all three versions yourself and see which one YOU like best.

    Now, that may present a minor dilemma, eg, how do you try all three versions out before you buy? Some stores may already have a version running on all three platforms, so you're good to go. If they don't they may or may not be willing to let you try them out first on each console. There's also the possibility of playing on a friend's machine, renting, etc.

    For example: I played MKDA extensively on all three machines and opted to buy the PS2 version. I don't see any noticeable differences (graphics wise) between PS2 and XBox ports. I prefer the PS2 controller for this particular game. The GameCube, while a fantastic system, just didn't *feel* right, for MKDA. For this game, I bought the PS2 version.

    Finally, there really may not BE a definitive "version to get" these days. It's not like the old days where there really was a big difference between the platforms. 5200 Pac-Man vs. 2600 Pac-Man? 5200 is "the one to get." MKII on SNES vs. MKII on Genesis? SNES is "the one to get." These days the line is much blurrier, making the final choice a less obvious, more personal one.
    Selling collection, Atari through XBox. Send a PM with whatever games you're looking for.

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    Great Puma (Level 12) Custom rank graphic
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    I choose on a game by game basis based on reviews and my own likes/dislikes.

    I have to admit that I never purchase a game that comes out on all three consoles on the Gamecube. Every one of my Gamecube games is a GC exclusive.

    New Games: I have been buying them on the original console first if it's release date is later on the other machines (i.e. Activision Anthology, Splinter Cell). I'm starting to rethink that though to go the other way. Seems like developers are taking the time to tweak a game, which means I might end up setting aside AA and purchase it on the GC (as long as it has a high score list that is).

    Sports Games: Xbox purchase. No need to worry about saving multiple seasons and franchise modes with all that hard drive space.

    Most other games: PS2 purchase. Unless I'd feel that the Gamecube button scheme would be better (which most of the time it doesn't seem to be). The PS2 button scheme seems to work best for almost any genre. Except the Nintendo stuff (they make exceptional use of their controllers).
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  14. #14
    Chaos Knight

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    Quote Originally Posted by bargora
    @mayhem--I agree in general with your two guidelines, but sometimes the PS2 gets the later port with the improvements and extras, which complicates matters somewhat (e.g., Wreckless).
    My two statements weren't mutually inclusive... though most of the time it's the PS2 version that is worked on and then ported to GC/Xbox. And sadly most of the time isn't enhanced to take advantage of either system's added capabilities :/

    I think this round of console wars is the first time in a long while that we're gonna see the same titles over ALL the major players...

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    Great Puma (Level 12) Achika's Avatar
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    Working at Funcoland has had it's perks. If I've ever staved off buying a game for a console, I've asked others that I work with, about how they liked that game on a console. Or I ask customers when I notice them trading them in (you know a games a stinker when you find it used a few days later after release). Case in point, when Max Payne came out, based on reviews from co-workers, I got the Xbox version because it 'ran faster and more smoothly' than the PS2 version did.

    If it's a game I can't do without and it's coming out later on another platform, I might bite the bullet and go for that copy right then and there. Shenmue II for DC I bought the PAL version for several reasons: I wanted it NOW, I wanted to use my save from Shenmue, and I couldn't come to terms with seeing this game on Xbox. Sure, it got quite a bit of slow down---but I played it way before the general population got to.

    However, (theoreticaly situation, after playing 9 Hole of XMas I realize this is a bad, bad game) Outlaw Golf is now on Gamecube with a price of $50. But I can find it used on Xbox for $25. Seeing the large price gap, right now I don't care if they fixed that minor pop up on the 9th green, I'm going to save $25 and go for the Xbox version. Or, State of Emergency is coming out for Xbox with another price of $50, however you can find used copies anywhere from $5-10.

    But, consumerism did invent Blockbuster, which carries most of the new games on all three systems for rental. $15 or one of those rent two get one free programs, you can take all three home and try them out. That way you can try first hand and see what it's all about.

    If they are all released on the same day and you HAVE to get one, and no reviews are out, I say--buy the one for the system you play the most, are the biggest fanboy for, etc.

    Looking over my lists that I've got for the big 3 consoles, most of my games have been system exclusives up to this point. Sure, PSO will be released later on Xbox, but I wanted to play it NOW.

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