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Thread: Intellivision cart missing from list

  1. #1
    Pac-Man (Level 10) vintagegamecrazy's Avatar
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    Default Intellivision cart missing from list

    I bought a bunch of intelly games and one game I noticed that was not on the list. That would be Poker. The cart is a normal intv style and has a white label with black writing. I popped the game in my intelly and it is a rename of "Las Vegas: Poker and Blackjack". Seeing as this is a completely diffrent name I think it should be in the addendum. What do you think Joe? I can post a pic if you need.
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  2. #2
    classicus carnivorous
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    This is already covered in the book. It's the Sears version of the game. The details about the cartridge label are listed within that game's information, check it out.

  3. #3
    Ladd Spencer (Level 17)
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    I really don't mean to dig up a nearly 9 month old thread, but I am confused about something Joe. I just recently got my INTV collection in order, and I had this same question (as well as two others) You say in your post that the white label "Poker" is the Sears release, but in the guide...under the Sears Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack listing, it definitely says that "Poker" white labels were most likely released by INTV!! Both versions have aka "Poker" in the listing, just to be a little more confusing. I don't mean to be's a gift

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    Question #3 - It was a question about a blue labelled "Skiing" cart without a logo of any kind, but I think I finally got S-M-R-T enough to figure out why I couldn't find it in the book - My blog about boardgames, and sometimes food. - My blog about Viewmaster collecting

  4. #4
    Great Puma (Level 12)
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    Quote Originally Posted by scooterb23
    I really don't mean to dig up a nearly 9 month old thread, but I am confused about something Joe. I just recently got my INTV collection in order, and I had this same question (as well as two others) You say in your post that the white label "Poker" is the Sears release, but in the guide...under the Sears Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack listing, it definitely says that "Poker" white labels were most likely released by INTV!! Both versions have aka "Poker" in the listing, just to be a little more confusing. I don't mean to be's a gift
    I was very confused by this too. Turns out Sears released Mattel cartridges (yes, the exact same cartridges) with their own box and manual. The white label cartridges are, as you said, the later INTV releases.

    Quote Originally Posted by scooterb23
    Question #2 - Is there a way to tell the different Space Battle variations apart without having the box?
    You could play them. Supposedly gameplay is harder in one version. You'd probably need both versions though, so you could compare them.

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    Ladd Spencer (Level 17)
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    Ah, I see, too bad I really suck at the game as it is

    I don't know if I'd be able to tell which is harder or not!!!

    Thanks for your answers Keir, it kind of clears things up for me. So it looks like I need to get boxed versions of LV P&B so I can "officially" mark them off my list... - My blog about boardgames, and sometimes food. - My blog about Viewmaster collecting

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