Today I found a Saturn at a thrift shop with all the cables so I nabbed (after checking that it powered on). When I got it home, I threw in a copy of Daytona USA, hooked it up and turned it on.

It booted up, asked for language and date (I guess the battery is dead), and then displayed the Saturn splash screen and Sega logo. It then attempted to read from the disc and nothing happened. My TV apparently lost all video signal from the Saturn (i.e. the screen briefly flashes, goes to black, and displays the current AV port it is taking video from like when I turn off any of my other game systems). I waited about 5 minutes and nothing happened. I tried two other discs that I know work on my other Saturn and got the same results.

What could be causing this? How could I find out what the cause is? How could I fix it?