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Thread: If only this Virtual Boy GBA SP were real...

  1. #1
    Key (Level 9) Gemini-Phoenix's Avatar
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    Default If only this Virtual Boy GBA SP were real...

    Ok, so I admit that i'm a little slow, but I just stumbled across this (And couldn't find it in a DP search either)

    I started reading, and started to get all excited. Then I realised that the information ay be a little old, so I scrolled back up and checked the date... April 1st 2004...

    "Damn!" I thought... "I am slow!"

    But still... Imagine if they actually made one of these. I think with a little planning, the Virtual Boy could indeed live again, albeit in the form of GBA carts which play in nothing but red and black...

    Nintendo have no problem with rereleasing NES and SNES games on the GBA, so why not Virtual Boy games too? N64 games are being rereleased on the DS as well...

    Maybe some future compilations may be in the works...

  2. #2

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    The apocryphal Virtual Boy Game Boy Advance will launch for $199.99. It will quickly drop in price to $99.99, then $49.99, eventually hitting clearance aisles and outlet stores for $29.99 before disappearing into obscurity six months after its release.
    That story is awesome

    Honestly, i have 3 virtual boys and an almost complete set of games. I could imagine something like telroboxer making it over to the GBA, but it's pretty late in the GBA lifecycle. Plus i've seen nintendo employees shrivel up and die at the slightest mention of the VB.

  3. #3
    ServBot (Level 11) Jumpman Jr.'s Avatar
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    Virtual Boy games ported to an SP would be really cool, but imagine if they made some sort of slot that could play actual Virtual Boy games! Now that would be awesome, but impossible.

  4. #4
    Crono (Level 14)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jumpman Jr.
    Virtual Boy games ported to an SP would be really cool, but imagine if they made some sort of slot that could play actual Virtual Boy games! Now that would be awesome, but impossible.
    Nothing is impossible But I doubt it will sell.

  5. #5
    Cherry (Level 1) GameSlaveGaz's Avatar
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    If I weren't in Multimedia for the Music Educator class, I'd be laughing hysterically right now. But I gotta be quiet so I'm not caught being on DP instead of doing my PowerPoint presentation

    "Video games develop hand-eye coordination and turn children into better human beings!" ~ Professor Membrane on Invader ZIM"

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  6. #6
    Strawberry (Level 2)
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    The 3D effect can only be emulated with two copies of the game, two systems, a link cable, and the ability to cross your eyes as if looking at one of those Magic Eye paintings that were the rage in the 90s.
    It doesn't get any more serious than a Rhinocerus about to charge your ass.

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