I just don't get it.
I guess I never understood playing sports videogames. I admit I liked Tecmo Bowl and Baseball stars but the more realistic sports games become the more I wonder why you aren't playing for real with your buddies down the street. I know some of you will say that "Well your buddies can't play pro ball and score 40 tds a year or rush for 1000 yards or do 40 yard dash in x seconds" To that I say "Well I live in Cleveland and neither can the Browns"
Atari Video Cube aka Rubics Cube failed for a simple reason. It was more fun to play the original. Flying ships ,blowing stuff up , killing dragons, well killing anything these are reasons to play games. To do things you can't or shouldn't do in real life. So yes that goes for Nascar games as well. Driving around in a circle over an over isn't fun. You need some ramps and flaming hoops to jump through and don't forget the power ups and burnout meter.
Now if I said I found a bunch of "junk" carts at the market, what am I talking about? Well we all know of course I'm talking about sports games. For Sega Genesis you can't give them away yet someone, somewhere at sometime must have bought all these. Today even they continue to buy the futures junk games.
The only people who should want to dedicate serious time to sports games are the physically handicaped and ex-Browns quarterbacks who feel they could have gone all way if they only had the right defensive linemen. Hmm I guess I'm talking about the same people.