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Thread: PC Engine Duo RX repair help needed.

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    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Default PC Engine Duo RX repair help needed.


    I have a "broken" PCE Duo RX that I've been trying to fix for the past couple of days. The problems in the order in which they were discovered were:

    1. faulty AV jack.

    2. faulty controller port.

    3. non-working CD-Rom.

    I Fixed #1 and #2 by re-soldering the components to the PCB, but #3 has me completely stumped. At first I thought it was the CD-Rom drive itself, so I took it out and placed it into a working RX that I have, it worked fine. I also put the CD-Rom from the working RX into the broken one, and it didn't work. So I've come to the conclusion that it's a problem with the motherboard and not the CD-Rom.

    Upon further examination, I also found out that some douchebag had spilled soda all over the machine, since the PCB is covered in a gross and sticky film. So I cleaned it with a damp cloth, let it dry completely, then tried it again, still nothing on the CD-Rom. The laser is working, but the two motors get no juice. I looked at the connector on the motherboard that supplies power to the two motors, and it seems fine. There's nothing wrong with the solder joints or the connection it makes to the leads from the CD-Rom.

    I'm now stuck because I've no idea what the problem could be, I don't want to start soldering the espeically small power connector, nor do I want to use this strictly as a PCE and letting the Duo portion go to waste.

    So does anyone have any idea what the problem might be? Or any way I can test to find it?

    Thanks to any and all who reply,

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  2. #2
    Banana (Level 7) SkiDragon's Avatar
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    I have no idea what the problem could be, but I have heard of people washing pcbs in a washing machine to get all the grime off. You might want to try that, and of course let it dry first.
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  3. #3
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    I think you might mean a dishwasher. A washing machine would just break it into little bits.
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  4. #4
    Pear (Level 6) ventrra's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC Engine Duo RX repair help needed.

    Quote Originally Posted by SnappleMan
    The laser is working, but the two motors get no juice. I looked at the connector on the motherboard that supplies power to the two motors, and it seems fine. There's nothing wrong with the solder joints or the connection it makes to the leads from the CD-Rom.
    You also might want to check the wiring between the motherboard and the laser assembly. sometimes the wires get broken internally (especially when people aren't as careful with the system as they should be.)

  5. #5
    Banana (Level 7) SkiDragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnappleMan
    I think you might mean a dishwasher. A washing machine would just break it into little bits.
    Thats what I meant.
    Rarest games in collection: (R8) Chavez II for SNES / (R7) Star Gunner (Telesys) for Atari 2600
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