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Thread: Sega Saturn Memory Card Plus?

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Default Sega Saturn Memory Card Plus?

    Ok, a few weeks ago I bought a bundle that had one of these Interact Memory Card Plus things in it for the Sega Saturn. I had never seen one before, but I still didn't think about it much. Well today I went to play the Tomb Raider game from the box of saturn stuff, and noticed this thing again. So now I'm wondering what exactly does it do? I know it goes into the cartridge slot of the Saturn, but how can I tell if its working when I turn on the system? What are the main purposes of it? Were many of these things built? Any information would be nice. Thank you very much, JT

  2. #2
    Pac-Man (Level 10) Nez's Avatar
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    Its a memory card and a memory compressor. Get more memory out of your system
    (Oo (xxx) oO) (Oo (xxx) oO)
    .o xxxxxxxx o . o xxxxxxxx o

  3. #3
    Alex (Level 15) InsaneDavid's Avatar
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    Turn your Saturn on with no game inside or the lid open and it should boot to it (if it doesn't with a game inserted and the lid closed). Basically you can transfer data back and forth from the small Saturn internal RAM backup to the cart, it'll allow you to backup your saves / keep more save data. Just shunt the data you currently want to use back and forth.

    It's similar to the save function of the Action Replay 4-in-1 cart which I reviewed under the peripherals section here...

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