Those of you who know me, would know that I mostly collect for handhelds. If anything the more neglected ones. I completed a NGPC collection a while ago but sold it off because they were good games that weren't being played. So some time passed and I looked at my small but decent collection and decided to try something new. I have always wanted to collect for a system but handelds had their way of sidetracking me. I'm only 16 and have respect for some of the older systems but in all honesty I'm not playing them much. I've always tried to buy games for all my systems, but what's the point if I don't dust them let alone play them. It's not like I had much but I decided to focus collecting for every system made after the PS2(including it). A lot of members of DP have found their collecting grooves or whatnot that they have become acustomed to. I thought I had a good one going to, but I kept asking myself why I would constantly quit collecting for short periods of time. I just wasn't enjoying the hunting aspect anymore. Handhelds are still my children, but as mentioned before some of the older ones don't appeal to me. Most if not all collectors focus on those systems that were precious to them during their childhoods. I'm no longer a child but I am growing up on these systems and they are equivalent to me as the NES is to others. I'm really focusing on the 360 and the PSP right for no real reason. Who knows maybe this new style will help grow my collection. Oh and I have some random games on ebay if anyone is interested. My ebay username is the same as this one.