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Thread: WTB: Various NES boxes, manuals, and carts

  1. #1
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    Default WTB: Various NES boxes, manuals, and carts

    Hi, I'm just trying to put together a nice boxed collection of NES games I had when I was growing up. I'm in Canada. I've got great feedback here, as well as at several other sites under the same username (shmups & CAG). I'll expect you to ship first if you're feedback is low or non-existant. Otherwise I'll pay, and then you ship.

    Note: I'm not all that interested in manuals, but would like them if you've got them. I'm mostly after the boxes (with styrofoam insert & dust sleeve if at all possible), and would like the boxes to be in fairly good shape. I will buy box and cart versions though (or complete copies), if you're not wanting to just sell the box.

    Here's the list: (B = box & styrofoam & dust sleeve, M = manual, C = cart)

    Castlevania (B, M)
    Castlevania II (B, M)
    Castlevania III (B, M)
    Contra (B, M)
    Super C (B, M, C)
    Deja Vu (B, M)
    Double Dragon (B, M)
    Double Dragon II (B)
    Double Dragon III (B, M, C)
    Duck Tales (B, M)
    Excitebike (B, M)
    Final Fantasy (B, M)
    Friday the 13th (B, M)
    G.I. Joe (B, M)
    Gun Nac (B, M)
    Immortal (M)
    Kickle Cubicle (B, M, C)
    Kid Icarus (B, M, C)
    Kung Fu (B, M)
    M.C. Kids (B, M)
    Maniac Mansion (B, M)
    Mega Man 2 (B, M, C)
    Metal Gear (B, M)
    Mike Tyson's Punch-Out (B, M)
    Ninja Gaiden (B, M)
    Ninja Gaiden II (B)
    Ninja Gaiden III (B, M, C)
    River City Ransom (B, M, C)
    Rygar (B, M)
    Shadowgate (B, M)
    Simpsons Bart vs Space Mutants (B, M)
    Snakes Revenge (B, M)
    Star Tropics (B, M)
    Super Mario Bros. (B, M, C)
    Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt (B, M)
    TMNT (B, M)
    TMNT II: The Arcade Game (B, M)
    TMNT III (B, M, C)
    Tiger Heli (B, M)
    Track & Field (B, M)
    Track & Field II (B, M, C)
    Uninvited (B, M, C)
    Willow (B, M)
    Zanac (B, M, C)
    Zelda 2 (B, M)
    Zoda's Revenge (B, M, C)

    So if you've got a few or a bunch of the above that you're willing to part with, name a price and we'll talk. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Pretzel (Level 4)
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    do you have any for trade?
    Too Many Games 12
    Friday June 15 - Sunday June 17 Oaks, PA

    my feedback!

  3. #3
    Strawberry (Level 2)
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    I have Super Mario Bros. Cart Only, I also second if you have anything for trade...I'm interested in nes carts i don't have...

  4. #4
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    Quote Originally Posted by mgriff
    I have Super Mario Bros. Cart Only, I also second if you have anything for trade...I'm interested in nes carts i don't have...
    I'm looking to buy significantly more than one cart at a time, if at all possible. I'm especially more interested in buying complete copies of games where I need the cart too, since then I'm not piecing things together.

    Thanks though!

  5. #5
    Insert Coin (Level 0) JordanM's Avatar
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    Hi,I have some stuff you`re looking for.I`m new here but I have 400+ posts over at nesworld if you want some feedback.I also have 168 positive feedbacks(100 %) on ebay if you want to set up a buy it now.Some of the stuff is kinda rough so I can set up scans of anything you want to see.Here`s what I have:
    Star tropics boxed
    Adv. of Link complete
    Kid I carus boxed
    TMNT complete
    Friday 13th complete
    Final fantasy boxed no manual but both maps
    castlevania boxed
    Willow boxed
    Let me know if you`re interested.Thanks,Jordan.

  6. #6
    Insert Coin (Level 0) JordanM's Avatar
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    Hi,pm sent with pics.I also gave you my email address.Thanks,Jordan.

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