I have some PSP and Gizmondo games for sale.
First the Psp games.
Wipeout Pure --- Complete -- SOLD
Ape Escape on the Loose -- Complete -- SOLD
Need for Speed Underground Rivals -- SOLD
Twisted Metal Head On -- Box/Umd -- SOLD
NFL Street 2 Unleashed -- Umd only -- $7 shipped
All Psp Boxes/Manuals are in Excellent shape. All Psp Umd cases are scratched, not the actual disc just the plastic case. But they have worked fine for my kids for the past year.
Gizmondo Games.
Fathammer Classics --- Complete -- $8 shipped
Trailblazer -- Complete -- $8 shipped
Paypal only please.
I won't combine items at a reduced shipping rate because basically I'm charging $1 per item for shipping.
Thanks for looking
I also have a brand new DuoQ modchip for the Gamecube. I bought it not knowing it won't work on a Panasonic Q. I'll sell it for $16 shipped. It's nice because you don't have to take your Gamecube all the way apart down to the motherboard. You just take off the Laser Drive and install the chip on the Laser Drive board. SOLD !!!!!
Info here: http://www.divineo.com/cgi-bin/div-us/dd-gc-duoq