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Thread: Sega Master System - Video problem - please help!

  1. #1
    Great Puma (Level 12) c0ldb33r's Avatar
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    Default Sega Master System - Video problem - please help!

    I picked up a Sega Master System and an Atari 7800 today in a box. The owners had no idea what they were.

    I got them home and hooked them up. The Atari works flawlessly! The SMS, well... not so much. I can't get the video to display and I'm looking for a bit of help.

    First off, it came with both an RF switch and AV plugs. I tried the AV plugs first - when I turned it on, nothing registered. My TV wasn't receiving a signal (I know this because when it isn't receiving a signal, it says so).

    So I tried the RF switch. The only thing that comes up is a black screen with a white band through it. Now, I don't have a game to try it with, but it's my understanding that if you boot a SMS without a game, it should display a SEGA boot screen, thus allowing you to access the snails game. But all I get is the black screen with a white band. I tried another RF adapter and got the same results.

    Here's what it looks like:

    And here's my Master System:

    Note: I searched for this problem and found two posts in which the poster seems to have the same problem as mine, but neither was given an answer. The posts are here and here.

    Please help!

  2. #2
    Great Puma (Level 12) c0ldb33r's Avatar
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    Awesome! I figured it out!

    Here's the Sega boot screen I was hoping to see...

    I'm kind of embaressed to say what the problem was.

    I didn't get an AC adapter with my Master System. The first one I grabbed that would fit was an NES AC adapter. Well, it didn't work, and I'm damn lucky I didn't ruin my Master System. (It seems the NES AC adapter outputs AC and the SMS needs DC)

    I tried my Sega CD one and it works flawlessly. I'm going to rummage through the local second hand store and find a replacement Genesis model 1 AC Adapter to use permanently with my Master System.

    So, anyone else that's had this problem - try a different AC adapter.

  3. #3
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Jim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0ldb33r
    Awesome! I figured it out!

    Here's the Sega boot screen I was hoping to see...

    I'm kind of embaressed to say what the problem was.

    I didn't get an AC adapter with my Master System. The first one I grabbed that would fit was an NES AC adapter. Well, it didn't work, and I'm damn lucky I didn't ruin my Master System. (It seems the NES AC adapter outputs AC and the SMS needs DC)

    I tried my Sega CD one and it works flawlessly. I'm going to rummage through the local second hand store and find a replacement Genesis model 1 AC Adapter to use permanently with my Master System.

    So, anyone else that's had this problem - try a different AC adapter.
    Funny, I had the identical problem with my Master System when I first bought it. The lady claimed it was 'broken' but it turned out she had been trying it with an NES power supply. Took it over to my friend's house and used his original Genesis hookups...worked like a charm.

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    Same thing with me and my Genesis model 1...

    I bought it from a thrift store damaged, repaired it, and i accidentally used my NES power supply, not the one I built for it...

    Had that problem, and freaked out.. Realized my mistake, then it worked perfectly..

  5. #5
    Pac-Man (Level 10) omnedon's Avatar
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    Lucky. We repair damaged systems because they used an AC that 'fit' all the time. ALWAYS check the ratings, written on the AC adapters, and on the systems.
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  6. #6
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0ldb33r View Post
    Awesome! I figured it out!

    Here's the Sega boot screen I was hoping to see...

    I'm kind of embaressed to say what the problem was.

    I didn't get an AC adapter with my Master System. The first one I grabbed that would fit was an NES AC adapter. Well, it didn't work, and I'm damn lucky I didn't ruin my Master System. (It seems the NES AC adapter outputs AC and the SMS needs DC)

    I tried my Sega CD one and it works flawlessly. I'm going to rummage through the local second hand store and find a replacement Genesis model 1 AC Adapter to use permanently with my Master System.

    So, anyone else that's had this problem - try a different AC adapter.

    I created this account just to thank you! I just bought my system today, and when I had the video problem you described my first thought was to try my NES adapter. I've got my system torn apart and the caps all checked, and I just stumbled across your thread. I checked all my adapters and the only similar one I had was for my TG16. It's rated for 10.5v instead of 9, but works perfectly!

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