Is this a prototype? I need some help, since I’m not experienced with newer games, just classic games. Thanks in advance!

I found this game PepsiMan at a thrift store near my house and need help on identifying what it is. It is for the Playstation One and is an import game, but that’s all I know so far. I saw one on eBay, but the pictures of the game had Japanese writing on the covers and also Playstation logos. However, this one is different. It does not have any Japanese writing on it and no logos whatsoever, except a bumblebee in the lower right corner of the cover. Also, on this one, a few more screen shots replace the Japanese writing. The front cover is also different, because the picture is brought to the front instead of being in the background on the Japanese version.

I thought it might be a boot leg, because the game’s backside is silver instead of black like other Playstation games. However, the Pepsiman picture looks professionally added to the top of the CD and DRINK is encoded on the clear plastic middle of the center backside.

I got it to play on a Playstation One with a driver enhancer disk.

Any help with finding more info would be greatly appreciated! I will probably let this go on eBay to buy more classic games, but I want to be honest when selling this.