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Thread: Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games

  1. #21
    Red (Level 21) Jorpho's Avatar
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    Wait, so it hasn't been confirmed that this really is a joke?

    Because it is, right?

    "There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge." --Bertrand Russel (attributed)

  2. #22
    Banana (Level 7) smokehouse's Avatar
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    Has anyone played this title yet?

    It's getting a pretty solid score from IGN but I was wonder what you guys think about it.

    Take a hike, wang-broom!
    I swear I can smell your stinky hands from here!

  3. #23
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    The first time I played it was Friday. I hated it. Could not get into the controls, didn't even rank in the events I played. Last night was asked to play again and I shrugged and said yes. After watching others play, I was able to figure out what the hell I had to do. After the proverbial light bulb appeared over my head along with a passage of three solid hours, I love the game.

    The game is NOT "pick up and play". There be many events where it takes smooth movements and some serious timing. The triple jump is an excellent example: you have to do the running motion (which thankfully "locks" the speed so you don't have to do that the whole time) then you must raise (not flick) the remote, followed by the nunchuk just before you touch ground, then the remote again for the final jump. May sound easy but it's not. In swimming the characters all have different motions to swim: Mario you alternate stabbing out with the chuk and remote, Eggman you kinda "clap" the chuk and remote, Vector the gator you move the chuk and remote together side to side, etc. while pressing B at the right time to breathe.

    The only real nitpick I have is that it's not really explained how to open up new events. For half the time we played the circuit mode in multiplayer but nothing was even remotely unlocked. The instructions kind of hint at single player, but it only mentions "trophies"-not if courses will get unlocked. Switching to single player in Circuit mode, we were able to attain the trophies and by placing in the top 3 we were able to unlock new circuits and events.

    I highly suggest to play this with friends rather than alone. I just can't see playing this game by oneself when the amount of fun is huge with three other people ribbing, laughing and just getting into the game. Too much fun.

  4. #24
    Cherry (Level 1) dlopez9069's Avatar
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    yeah i rented it and its great. I thought the motions were pretty easy even though i suck at the jumps. I've unlocked just about everything, oh and yes its single player you have to play, but i still don't see what the crowns are or how you get them. overall though great for a fun little party with your friends or siblings but alone youll pretty much beat it in a couple days.

  5. #25

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    During the past 10 years or so, I've been buying these games as they've gotten to be less than $20 each with used copies of the video games. By now I have about half of them, although I haven't bought the ones for the Nintendo Switch nor the Nintendo Wii U yet. I have most of them for the Nintendo DS, 3DS, and Nintendo Wii video game consoles by now, I believe. The Nintendo Wii one for the Winter Olympics running via my Nintendo Wii U and HDTV looks practically like a modern game - to me anyway. I was impressed by how fun it was from the few minutes I played the game during the last few years.

  6. #26
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    I haven't touched those games, well, probably since I made my post back in 2007. I didn't even get the additional releases after 2007. I still wouldn't play it alone and my kids are not the type that would play a single player and then pass the controller so everyone could get a turn. They get too bored too quickly and would move to something else (and this is from newly adult on down).

    Nz17-what was the last Olympics game to come out for the Wii/Wii U?

  7. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by YoshiM View Post
    Nz17-what was the last Olympics game to come out for the Wii/Wii U?
    M&S 2016 - The USA copies are now expensive, EU ones less so.

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