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Thread: Game Genie codes for Landstalker on Genesis

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0) majinbuu's Avatar
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    Default Game Genie codes for Landstalker on Genesis

    Hi folks

    I have been scouring the net for codes for Landstalker on the Genesis. Really all I need is unlimited supply of ekeeke and/or unlimited health. I had played this game many years ago on my old genny and got to the last stage only to fail miserably in trying to finish it. This is one game I have always wanted to finish.

    At the moment I have been going through a hard time psychologically and all that makes me feel better is watching TNA, UFC and a good Genesis RPG. Please keep in mind I have finished Phantasy Star II and IV, I didn't consider Phantasy star III worth finishing. Compared to the second and fourth installments it just doesn't measure up, especially during battle encounters. If there are any good dungeon crawls on the genny I would like to know also.

    Sam (aka the brandy sponge)

  2. #2
    Peach (Level 3) greedostick's Avatar
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    Landstalker is not what you would call a hard game. There are a few confusing parts in the game. Mainly Greenmaze. I suggest finishing the game without cheating and going back and getting some more life stocks. You'll appreciate it more. I believe the city of Destel sells an unlimited amount until you max out or pretty close. You only have to hit the dragon at the end of the game a few times really and King Knole isn't that hard either. I think I had 78 life stock when I finished the game. However I have beat that game at least 10 times. A good trick is to just hit the button that opens treasure chests in any area you can get to where Nigel is hidden. Example the side of a large mountain. Most of the games Lifestock are hidden in areas where you can't see them and have to hit the a or c button randomly and hope you get lucky. I believe there is also a hidden casino under Mercator where soem stock can be won.

    Another tip would be to use you EkeEke's before you die without letting Friday raise you cause, you get a lot more life back when using them manually.

    Also a full supply of Dahl would be a nice thing to have but not needed. They restore alot more. And some statues are a big plus, especially the one that keeps the sword fully charged. Do you have the best sword? Or even the ring that fills up the sword gauge in like 3 seconds?

    As for genny dungeon crawlers I suggest getting Shining in the Darkness. Probebly the best dungeon crawler ever and is the first installment in the Shining series. Highly recomonded. There is a nice map set on game faqs that is a must have for finishing the game

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