Quote Originally Posted by Starwander View Post
I have been considering the idea of making and selling replacement game labels for NES games for some time and have finally started down the road to do it. I was wondering as a whole what the collecting community thinks about such an idea. Basically the replacement labels would be identical to the original labels on the games themselves. They would be of the same quality as well, as they would be indistinguishable to the originals. All you would have to do is simply remove the old label and stick on the new one and basically you have a new, minty looking game. I was thinking of charging about $1.50-$2.00 for a replacement label. Overall I like the idea of being able to take those old games with damaged labels and being able to restore them to new condition, though I wanted to know what other people thought about the idea and if this is something you might buy. I would only be starting with NES, but could do other games down the road if it working out.
it's a good idea, reprolabels.com does reproduction labels for transformer toys...