Fave Game: Streets of Rage 2. That was one of the first games I remember playing at my old babysitters house when she had the system. My friend Blake and I beat the game a countless number of times.( about 1 or 2 times a day)

Others-ToeJam and Earl series, Streets of Rage Series, Sonic Series, Madden Games, RBI Baseball games, Road Rash Games, NBA Jam

Surprised Me-Streets of Rage 2. I had beaten the game a countless number of times, and I discovered more things as I went along.

Infuriated- My friend Blake could always pass in madden 95, and I could never PASS! it was very confusing for me. Also, I didnt like the annoying power button on the Sega model 1 that my babysitter had. It took a while to get used to.

First in action-I dont remember the FIRST time i saw it in action, but i played it about every day with my friend. The game was probobly streets of Rage 2.

Own it back in the day-My old babysitter owned it back in the day when it came out. She had the games, Streets of Rage 2, Madden 95, Road Rash 2, Sonic the Hedgehog, NBA Jam,(cant remember.) She recently gave me the system and games.

Own it now?- Yes, its the system I most collect for. I have about 125-150 games for it, and 3 of the system.(2 model 2, and 1 model 1). I play that system a lot.

Stories?-Yes. I have beaten Streets of Rage 2 a countless number of times.
-At my old babysitters, my friend Blake helped me beat NBA Jam, and I got 3rd place on the list, until my bbstr's son got mad and deleted the data.
-I had always played Sonic 2 with my friend Nick on that system.
-I had played it about 8 hours a day with my friend Nick until my babysitter kicked us off.
-I bought some games for it until I realized I wanted to collect games, and started collecting games for the genesis.