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Thread: Official Sega Genesis Thread

  1. #21
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?
    Streets of Rage 2, definitely.

    - What are some of your other favorites?
    The Shining series, Comix Zone, most if not all of the Renovation games, Vectorman, Gunstar Heroes, Rocket Knight Adventures, Star Control, El Viento, Ghostbusters, et al.

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    Sonic The Hedgehog for it's first time WOW! factor. I would also have to include Vectorman as well. I was also very pleasantly surprised with the music in SOR2. As far as infuriation goes, I'd have to say Gain Ground was pretty darn frustrating as is El Viento.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    Sonic The Hedgehog. I was blown away by it's speed.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    I picked up a Genesis when the "Fighting" bundle was offered, the SOR2 pack-in. Now, I own a Genesis 2, 3, and an X'Eye.

    - How many games do you have for it?
    I'm not a completist as I'm only collecting games I liked when I was younger. I'd say 30-40 tops.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?
    I remember when I was about 16 plugging my Genesis into my stereo and recording the music from SOR2 onto cassette tape. My friends and I would drive around Austin in my '81 Honda Accord blasting the soundtrack!

  2. #22
    Peach (Level 3) rick weis's Avatar
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    What is your favorite game on this system?
    pirates gold, loved this game so much i played it many times when i first got it and spent many months playing it...

    - What are some of your other favorites?
    landstalker, cool spot, castlevania bloodlines, flashback, golden axe, jungle strike, road rash, syndicate, tecmo superbowl, urban strike, streets of rage, streets of rage 2

    - What games surprised you?
    cool spot, neat idea to use the 7up guys in a game.

    -Infuriated you?
    sonic, just too quick for my me..

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction? NO, but i did buy the system once it came out.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"?

    -How about now?
    YES, and still play it a lot.

    - How many games do you have for it? around 30 but have almost all games for it on disc.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us? can't think of any for this system


  3. #23
    Pretzel (Level 4) ozyr's Avatar
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    The Genesis - such a great classic game system, with so may games...

    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    Oh, so many favorites. If I have to pick one, it would be Streets of Rage. Some folks call it too old school, but I just like playing this one - even today. Back then, it was so fresh, looked damn cool, played very well, and had some cool tunes to boot.

    - What are some of your other favorites?

    Final Fight (for the CD unit). Just another cool fighting game that has so many scenes and characters to fight.
    Earthworm Jim - this game is so much fun, and funnier than hell. It just cracks me up.
    Ghouls'N Ghosts - now this has got to be my 2nd favorite for the system. This thing is so much like the arcade game, its unreal. Plus it is a large game, and a rather huge challenge.
    The original Sonic the Hedgehog ranks high on my lists too, along with Golden Axe, World of Illusion, Desert Strike, Altered Beast, and Vectorman.

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    Earth Worm Jim surprised me with that one level that looked like Hell. I'm playing along and the background music suddenly stops like someone taking the needle off the record... and is replaced by elevator music! (you may have to strike and reverse that, as I don't 100% remember if I got that right). However, I laughed my ass off when I heard that music change. Now that is what I call a cool feature by the programmers.
    Ghouls'N Ghosts - I really like the game, but it is so damn hard. I can only play this thing on the practice mode! Normal mode is just impossible, at least for me. In fact, I think this is the one cartridge that I got made at, through it against the wall, and it stopped working. Had to buy it again at full price (back then).

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    Actually, No. I never saw this thing at a store display. I just bought i one day based on the games that were coming out for it.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    Yes, I bought it when it was being sold, but not the first year. I still have the original, and a spare, plus a few of the tiny Genesis 3 units (aren't they cute).

    - How many games do you have for it?

    Um.... I used to have a lot more than I have now. I sold some off years ago to get some money for newer systems. I do regret that. Oh well, I still have about 35 games for the system, of which are the really good ones I kept - plus some I bought at rummages and stuff over the years (some of which suck).

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    The one above - in regards to Ghouls'N Ghosts. This is the only time I ever got so frustrated with a game that I ripped that cartridge out of the slot and through it against the wall. I still don't see how that could have broken a cartridge, and its circuits, not moving parts. It didn't hit that hard, but it died anyway (it was past the 90 day warranty too).
    "I seek strength, not to be greater than by brother, but to fight my greatest enemy - myself!"
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  4. #24
    Peach (Level 3)
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?
    A.NHL 94

    - What are some of your other favorites?
    A.Sonics, Phantasy Star series, Gunstar Heroes, Shining series, General Chaos, Chiki Chiki Boys, and most of the 2D shooters

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    A.surprised - Dynamite Heady
    Infuriated - Landstalker

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    A.yep, Joe Montana sports talk football. i asked to play and then beat him with the Eagles

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    A.i got the Genny shortly after the release of the SNES, yes i own one currently

    - How many games do you have for it?
    A. a little over 50 i think

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?
    A. My uncle Scott had a Genesis and i would go to his house and play NHL and Montana about 3 times a week, we would play til about 3 in the morning and during this time my grades in school dropped about 2 full grades.

    When NHL 94 came out i purchased it for the SNES and after about an hour realized it sucked compared to the Genny version. I took the game back and got the correct version, after that i didnt buy another SNES game for almost 2 years.
    Eyes - Pete and Pete, Bullet Ballet
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  5. #25
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?
    Thunder Force IV
    - What are some of your other favorites?
    Devil Crash, Panarama Cotton, Ex Ranza, Bare Knuckle III
    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    Surprised would be Shining Force series (truly enjoyable strategic role playing game once I understand how to play; Cannot recall any game that infuriated me.
    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    I remember buying the system and several games at launch at Toys R Us. Altered Beast was the first game I played; having already played the Master System version, the Genesis version just blew me away (even though the game was very easy to beat). I could not believe the huge leap in quality between the two versions.
    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    Yes, and still do.
    - How many games do you have for it?
    Too many to count (both US and JP); maybe 500+
    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?
    Well, many many years ago, my best friend and I had swapped Genesis consoles since mine was modded to play Thunder Force IV (it has regional lockout and converter carts weren't available back then), and he wanted to beat the game. So I gave him my modded system and several games, and I got his stock Genesis system. However, we got into a huge argument one day and never spoke again. He was so pissed off at me that he sold my modded system and the games I loaned him without asking me. To be honest, I was actually glad to have the stock system, since my modded system wouldn't have worked with the Sega CD I got a few years later. As for the lost games, I was able to replace them all without spending too much money, plus they were all in mint and complete condition, so they were just like the ones that were sold. I was a little upset at first but not really, considering I was the one who pissed him off.

  6. #26
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    My favorite game for the genesis? Oh man, that would have to be Desert Strike. Nothing like flying in a helicopter blowing up oil fields and what was probably meant to be "Iraqi's" at the time.

    I don't really have a second favorite though, I do believe that I love about every game I have, except shaq-fu and sword of sodan.

    Speaking of sword of sodan, that game sucked ass. It was pretty, but it sucked. I believe the characters were modeled after a three-toed-sloth, and the noises from a constipated elephant. I think some of the games that caught me by surprise were Technocop, I never knew you could shoot a kid in a videogame and actually get that game into production without any hassle.

    I owned my sega back in 1993, at what was probably its peak in popularity, and I still have it today. I have over 60 games for my genesis, and about 10 of them are not totally complete. I even recently bought a 32x, and I have virtua racing deluxe for it, so fun times ahead!

  7. #27
    Peach (Level 3) VG_Maniac's Avatar
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

    - What are some of your other favorites?

    All the other Sonic games
    Castlevania: Bloodlines
    Gunstar Heroes
    Golden Axe
    Ghouls N Ghosts
    Toe Jam & Earl

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    Blaster Master 2. I was expecting a worthy sequal to one of my favorite NES games...and I got a piece of crap.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    I had seen a bunch of Genesis commercials on TV. Then I finally saw a commercial for Sonic the Hedgehog which I wanted to play VERY BAD. So my parents went out and rented me a Genesis system with Sonic. For some reason, we couldn't get the Genny to work on the TV I had in my room where the NES was hooked we hooked it up to the TV in my parent's room. It was there that I saw the Genesis and Sonic the Hedgehog in action for the first time. Yes, the game blew me away. I played it for hours and hours.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    No, I rented the Genesis from time to time...mostly to play Sonic. I also had couple friends who owned a Genesis. I finally bought a used Genesis in late 1998 with Sonic 2. Yes, I still own it.

    - How many games do you have for it?

    Only 18...I haven't really gotten serious about Genesis collecting yet.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    Nothing really...since I didn't own the system back the day. I really was never a big fan of the Genesis. The only games on it I was really crazy about were the Sonic games. I had a choice of getting a Genesis or SNES for Christmas...and I went with the SNES due to the fact there were WAY more games on it I liked, plus I was a big Nintendo fanboy.

  8. #28
    Peach (Level 3)
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?
    Empire of Steel (aka Steel Empire) is probably the only one I'm interested in long enough to get to the end. Every time I play it I enjoy it.

    - What are some of your other favorites?

    Sonic, of course. Sonic 2 and S&K were the best. Streets Of Rage. Marko's Magic Football. Paperboy. Road Rash 3.

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    Terminator infuriated me. I don't see how to get past the first level. Can't think of any that surprised me.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    - Did you own the system "back in the day"?

    In 1992 I'd just moved to England from New Zealand and we had almost no money. My dad had saved up to buy a Megadrive 1 one day. It cost £100. I didn't understand what a console was (I was 5). I remember seeing my dad take it out of the box and hooking it up. However, I don't remember the first time I saw it in action, which is a shame. I do remember seeing him play Sonic, though. When I tried I always died really quickly because I'd never tried any kind of electronic game.

    -How about now?

    I've still got the original Megadrive 1 but I lost the box a long time ago. I think that's because we had a carry case and thought we didn't need the box. My friend recently gave me his Megadrive 2 for free.

    - How many games do you have for it?

    I only had 7 games up until last year. Now I've got 47.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    My dad was unsure about letting me play Super Smash TV when I was a young child. He thought it would be too violent. Now I just see it as some blobs shooting blobs at other blobs.

    When I was younger I had a friend with a different megadrive to me. I asked him which one it was and he said "16 bit" in a really nerdy voice. Eventually he came to the conclusion that it was a megadrive 3 because it was playing Sonic 3. I spent years trying to find out about the elusive Megadrive 3.

    I once took Paperboy over to another friend's house to play on his system. I couldn't work out why it wouldn't fit. I didn't realise there were systems other than the Megadrive. He had a Master System.

  9. #29
    ServBot (Level 11) Cauterize's Avatar
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    Megaman The Wily Wars or Sonic 2 (Can't Decide)

    - What are some of your other favorites?

    Sensible Soccer
    Rocket Knight Adventures
    McDonalds TreasureLand
    James Pond 2
    Mega Bomberman
    Dynamite Headdy
    Gunstar Heroes
    Alien Soldier
    Global Gladiators
    Cosmic Spacehead
    The other Sonics...

    Some really obvious Choices i know!

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    Sonic... Basically, as i will describe a little further on about not owning a Megadrive when i was young and growing up with the ZX Spectrum... Seeing Sonic for the first time was a real jaw dropper! and i really mean that!
    I remember my cousin who was always upto date on games had a Megadrive and the Sonics, and i always remember playing the first level and feeling like i was in gaming heaven!
    There is a big difference from playing a ZX Speccy to a Megadrive!
    I had never seen such a smooth running game that was yet so playable with such great sound/music after being used to simple simple graphics and basic clicks and beeps for sound!

    However having said that.... Someone has now brought Sonic to the Spectrum...


    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    The first time i saw the system (IIRC) is quite a funny place...
    My Parents needed a new dishwasher and decided to goto Currys (An electrical store in the UK, doing Tvs, Vcrs Kitchen thingys like fridges and dishwashers and so on really...)
    And when my Parents were sorting out the cost and delivery of the Dishwasher, they told me to have a little wander to keep ocupied not get too bored...
    And there it was, a Megadrive!!! On show was Sonic 1 on a TV screen with the rolling demo, and as a child (like you do) i ran back to my Parents "Mum Mum please can i have a Megadrive?"
    Unfortunately at the time though we really couldnt afford it, so i had to stick with my Spectrum (and later arriving Amiga)

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    Unfortunately not, my first Megadrive was from 5 years ago... (I waited a whole decade to own one of these babies! and to be honest, pretty much all of my collection as the first console i ever owned was a Dreamcast!)

    Car boot sale lot as per usual

    - How many games do you have for it?

    Approx 347 (about 30 of them are US/JAP ones) I need to check my lists again!
    And damn its taken a lot time to get them!

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    Not really to be honest, i think the best stories come from the original owners...
    However, the Megadrive is probably my Favourite system out them all! Decent Library of Games, nice addons, a portable version and the home of Sonic!

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  10. #30
    Late to the party DigitalSpace's Avatar
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    What is your favorite game on this system?
    Sonic The Hedgehog 2.

    What are some of your other favorites?
    Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, Alisia Dragoon, OutRun, Rocket Knight Adventures, Golden Axe, Golden Axe II, The Lion King, Virtua Racing

    What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    Surprised: Alisia Dragoon and Virtua Racing.
    Infuriated: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. An extremely crappy fighting game.

    Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    My cousin had just bought a Sega Genesis and I watched him play Sonic 1. I was amazed.

    Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    I didn't own the system back in the day, but my younger brother had a model 2, and I spent a lot of time with it. I own a model 2 now, but I don't play it much since I don't really have the space to hook it up.

    How many games do you have for it?
    I currently own 38 games.

    Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?
    -Before my brother got a Genesis, one of my mom's friends let us borrow her son's model 1 for a week. I think her son got in trouble and was grounded from it for the week, although I can't remember if that was the exact story behind it or not. He only had Sonic 2 and 3, but it was more than enough to entertain me for the week.
    -When my brother sold his Genesis, the only game he kept was Rocket Knight Adventures, because it was lost at the time. He later found it and when I bought my Genesis, I asked him if I could buy it off him, and he gave it to me for free.
    -Believe it or not, I had never heard of the model 3 until I joined DP in February 2004. Shortly after that, I saw one in the wild for the first time.
    -The Genesis is the only non-current gen console where I've paid more than a buck for a sports title. I paid $2.50 each for Mutant League Hockey and Mutant League Football.
    -The rarest Genesis game I own is Joshua: The Battle Of Jericho. I got it for 63 cents when GameStop started clearing out Genesis carts at 30% off. It had a price tag for Cal. Ripken Jr. Baseball, and the original price was 89 cents.

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    whats very hard too find is rolling thunder 3

  12. #32
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Treasure Hunt.

    - What are some of your other favorites?

    Gunstar Hereos. Dynamite Headdy. Sonic The Hedgehog 1, 2 & 3. Rocket Knight Adventures. Ghostbusters. Captain America and the Avengers (WHERE IS THE LASER? ASK THE POLICE!)

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    I was at my uncles house and he had one. and I played Sonic The Hedgehog and was amazed.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    Sadly, I did not own the Sega Genesis "back in the day", but I do own one now.

    - How many games do you have for it?

    15, If I recall correctly.

  13. #33
    Banana (Level 7) googlefest1's Avatar
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    favorite game:
    this is so tough to answer - i keep comming back to wolfchild - but i dont want to say it becasue it is a multi platform release (but i feel the genesis is the best version). The graphics, the music and sound just keep me playing and playing - especaily the music. I certainly did call this my favorite game on the system untill i found out it was also released on the snes ( i knew about the cd version but it was still on the genesis kind of). Out of all the versions this is the best one - they ruined the music in the cd version (same feelings with eternal champions) and they changed the graphics and music in the snes version.

    but the 2 games that i had the most play time with is sonic and streets of rage 2 -- back in highschool - i owned sonic and rented streets of rage alot - wolfchild was a discovery i made while collecting for the system like 2.5 years ago

    other favorites:
    the ooze, streets of rages, sonics, gunstar heros, dynomite heady, phantasy stars, thunder force 2, rolling thunder 2, skeleton krew, golden axes, zero tolerance, rocket night adventures - and many more the list would be so long

    first time seeing the system in action: a few months before the system came out a macy's had it on display - a kid in my 8th grade class discoverd it and many of use would make trips to the macy's to play it - ususly gettign kicked out -- the game in the system was thunder force 2
    - that macy's was also releasing the system early was was charging 150$ more for it than the actual retail price was going to be - a bunch of us made the trip with his mom ( who had never met us were were all strangers to her -to watch our good friend pluck down the cash (6 of us squezzed into the back of his moms ford torus) - my firend bought it and a bunch of us spent the night at his house playing the only game he had - altered beast.

    Did i own the system
    yes but it wasnt untill the sonic system came out and we never had many games for it - only what was cheap at eb games.

    do i own it now/ how many games
    yes, i have 17 of them and almost every game released - many doubles and many imports

    games that surprised me:
    games that surprize me are games ive discovered and played in the recent years (becasue i countl aford many back in the day) so games that wowed me were - wolf child music, overall look, skeleton krew: music isometic view , zero tolerance : detail of the FPS, dynamite heady : the vibrant colors, the ooze: i felt it was a techincal masterpice- especialy the ooze itself, Viewpoint - even though it shouldn't have wowed me it did with the isometric view and the music.

    oh, but it was surprising to seeing altered beast and saying finaly- a system where the games actualy look like the arcade

    games infuriating me:
    i guess running out of lives in general - all the hype the snes got as being better infuriated me and people never considereing any of the facts - just blindly makeing fun of the system

    any stories:
    pretty much said my story already
    The human operates out of complex superiority demands, self -affirming through ritual, insiting upon a rational need to learn, striving for self-imposed goals, manipulating his environment while he denies his own adaptive abilities, never fully satisfied.
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  14. #34
    Pac-Man (Level 10) evil_genius's Avatar
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?
    Wonder Boy in Monster World

    - What are some of your other favorites?
    MUSHA, Raiden Trad, Sonic, ToeJam & Earl, Streets of Rage 2, Gunstar Heroes, Super Street Fighter 2, Sagaia, Ms. Pac Man, Lion King, Super Smash TV.

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    Battle Squadron, Space Invaders 91 is suprisingly disappointing.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    Yes. I was at my friend Simo's house. We were playing Sonic the Hedgehog, it was amazing.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    Yes. I was real young so to raise the money my dad had me write up an ad to put in the paper so that I could sell most of my NES stuff. Well I got enough cash together and my mom brought me to Toys R Us and I bought it. It was a model 1. Today I own several Genesis consoles, including a CDX.

    - How many games do you have for it?
    Probably somewheres around 200.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?
    Back in the day, me and a buddy were playing Streets of Rage 2. It was his, he was always putting me onto new great games. Anyway, my sister threw something at me and I turned my neck furiously. Well I must have pinched a nerve or something because it sent a shrieking pain down my back and I couldn't move my head without the pain. It sucked.

  15. #35
    Pretzel (Level 4) MASTERWEEDO's Avatar
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?
    Theme Park

    - What are some of your other favorites?
    Skitchin, Road Rash 3, Greatest Heavyweights, Mutant League Hockey

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    Madden 94 made me so damn mad at times. When the computer had the ball, the ball would fall short on a pass and bounce and sometimes it bounced into the computer player and let him run with it.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    I had one in the 90's but I sold it, now I own like 12 of em

    - How many games do you have for it?
    Over 250.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?
    I used to get wasted(drunk and stoned) and play Theme Park with my friend Josh all night long......sometimes for days(we were like 12 or 13), I think thats why I love that game.

  16. #36
    Kirby (Level 13) cyberfluxor's Avatar
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?
    Bubsy. It's one of the first games I played on the system and loved it. The graphics were just off the hook and there's no lag! Just a real close favorite of mine.

    - What are some of your other favorites?
    Lets see, obviously Sonic. Who doesn't own a Genesis and no Sonic at some point? Not many. I don't know how many have played General Chaos, but this is a fun ass game. Emulate it at least and check it out. A good series to hit is the Lotus racers. They have some great 3d racing action that remind me of Night Racer. You also can't go wrong with Ecco the Dolphin with those nice graphics and fun puzzles! Shinobi 3 is one of the best Shinobi games out of the dozens played. It has spectacular 16-bit graphics, music, sound, and controls. It even has the same flow as the original!

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    Not many that come to mind.

    I'll respond to the other questions another time.
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    Last Post: 07-06-2010, 03:48 AM
  3. Official Sega Master System Thread
    By digitalpress in forum Classic Gaming
    Replies: 38
    Last Post: 09-27-2005, 09:35 AM
  4. Official Complaint: Sega Genesis Week
    By Flack in forum Classic Gaming
    Replies: 8
    Last Post: 02-29-2004, 08:36 AM
  5. Official Sega Master System Thread
    By Arqueologia_Digital in forum Classic Gaming
    Replies: 13
    Last Post: 08-03-2003, 05:23 AM

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