- What is your favorite game on this system?

Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Treasure Hunt.

- What are some of your other favorites?

Gunstar Hereos. Dynamite Headdy. Sonic The Hedgehog 1, 2 & 3. Rocket Knight Adventures. Ghostbusters. Captain America and the Avengers (WHERE IS THE LASER? ASK THE POLICE!)

- Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

I was at my uncles house and he had one. and I played Sonic The Hedgehog and was amazed.

- Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

Sadly, I did not own the Sega Genesis "back in the day", but I do own one now.

- How many games do you have for it?

15, If I recall correctly.