Quote Originally Posted by SkiDragon View Post
I am actually stuck at the Garuda because it kills me way too fast. I am wondering if I am doing something wrong.
No, this is the end of the game. You're supposed to keep dying.

One of my biggest complaints about RPGs as of late is that they're brain-dead. 100% brain-dead. Same strategy, same "select fight, select fight, select magic, select heal, select fight..." repetitious battles, same slow pace.

I very much agree with the poster who mentioned all of the gambits should be available from the beginning, but once you do amass a fair amount of them, you can actually program SMART characters who make full use of your complete arsenal of spells and abilities. Play any other RPG and tell me how often you use spells like Regen, status-effect spells, or are even required to have your strongest defensive characters tank? FFXII makes these necessary, and because it doesn't force you to use the same menu command each and every time an action is required, much less tedious.

It's a bummer that some people still buy into the illusion that selecting the same commands from a menu over and over = interaction, when this clunky, 25 year old interface is really the biggest limiting factor in RPGs today. I'd like to see more games take the ideas presented in FFXII further, but I don't see any companies other than Square willing to step up to the plate...