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Thread: Attempting to rewire xbox to 360.

  1. #1
    Strawberry (Level 2) MonoTekETeA's Avatar
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    Default Attempting to rewire xbox to 360.

    Howdy, I am attempting to take a Pelican Real Arcade stick and attempting to rewire it to work with a 360. I haven't had any luck finding pinouts for the 360, and the generic usb pinout didn't seem to work out for me...Pretty much any info on the topic in general will be appreciated, I will keep this updated on my progress.
    Yippy Kie Yo Yai Yay
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  2. #2
    Pac-Man (Level 10) Custom rank graphic
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    Pinouts? Just gut the board from an extra controller and do a padhack.

  3. #3
    Strawberry (Level 2) MonoTekETeA's Avatar
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    I decided that that is what I am going to do.

    So I can use this Stick with any system I want, I am going to wire all the buttons to a parallel and serial ports (33 wires, 34 separate pins, 25 from the parallel and 9 from the serial) That way I can make it work with another system by soldering a pad to those specific pins on the port and just plugging them in. If all goes as planned, it will come out in really clean and nice.
    Last edited by MonoTekETeA; 08-08-2007 at 05:01 PM. Reason: Spelling
    Yippy Kie Yo Yai Yay
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    I believe the easy route you tried to do didn't work, due to the fact that when the controller was hooked up, the 360 was more like "what the hell is that thing?!". Meaning, it didn't have drivers as it's not a regular 360 controller.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MonoTekETeA View Post
    I decided that that is what I am going to do.

    So I can use this Stick with any system I want, I am going to wire all the buttons to a parallel and serial ports (33 wires, 34 separate pins, 25 from the parallel and 9 from the serial) That way I can make it work with another system by soldering a pad to those specific pins on the port and just plugging them in. If all goes as planned, it will come out in really clean and nice.

    I thought of doing that with my NES Advantage, but I figured there's a PS2 adapter for everything I want to use it on, so I just went with a PSX board. (Modded Xbox emulation for the older consoles)

    But seriously, if you're going to go to all that trouble to hardwire joystick switches to a parallel port, I highly recommend using a another joystick; that Pelican Real Arcade sucks, it feels like my hands are being tortured. At least mod it with some high quality hardware from Happ, or hunt down one of those Tekken 5 sticks that was domestically available for a while... once you slide into a Hori you won't touch that Pelican crap again.

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    Strawberry (Level 2) MonoTekETeA's Avatar
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    Well, I may slip in some nice stuff later, but I am tight on cash, and really have all these pieces laying around. What the pelican does offer is a really nice tablet to work off of. So I'll stick to this, get it to rock out, and show it off to you guys. From there, we'll see, but I don't really mind the stick that much, and I have played with the other nicer ones. I am not a really big guy on all of this, and have just started to sink my feet in Arcadey stuff. ::Shrugs:: I am sure that I can easily apply this mod to another stick later, and the best part will I be that I have all of the other systems "modules" done already, so all I have to do is set the ports on the new stick in the right position and I am all set to go. Thanks for all of the comments and recommendations though.

    Currently I am desoldering the parallel and serial ports I need off old PC motherboards.
    Yippy Kie Yo Yai Yay
    I am really bad at really.
    v A gift from Drexel923, Thanks homie! v

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