I know this game has had several computer iterations since it's debut in 1971, with one of it's most notable (and super-nostalgic for anybody who was in public school in the 80's) being on the Apple ][ ...

... but I'm really shocked that it's never made it's way onto a single solitary console or portable from Atari to Playstation.

I think that the game, while basic in terms of being a turn based strategy/agrarian sim, is undeniably a classic in it's own right.

Broderbund who published the game on Apple and elsewhere - published a few titles for the NES back in the late 80's ... I wonder if they ever had any designs to bring the edutainment classic to the console world.

Would anybody pay for Oregon Trail on, say, XBLA (ala Catan), the PSN Store, or on the DS or PSP?