I am about 2/3rds of the way done with this game. As I have mentioned before, this is my second time purchasing it. The first time was merely for collectors value. Eventually I sold it boxed on eBay for $200 bucks. I was able to get my Rickenbacker 330 Fireglo, so no worries. In any case, I just bought it again (Just the case and manual and cd) for a third of that.

Let me just say, this game is pretty "meh." Everyone who has played it probable knows how I mean. The game just feels very linear and "cheap." Like really, who the fuck is Microcabin. In addition, the dialouge is very brief. It's a pretty cool title or whatever because of its collectors value and what not, but I wouldn't put it past myself to sell it at some point. In any case, does anyone else feel similar thoughts on this game.

Another thing that dampens the experience is that I am trying to beat this title before I pop in my FFIIIj english translated reproduction I just got. I kinda wanted to take a break from nes for the moment since I just beat my Earthbound nes repro.