Quote Originally Posted by digitalpress View Post

Yes, on several occasions a bona fide COLLECTOR has unloaded or partially unloaded his collection at the store. People really do "get out of this", priorities change and on a number of occasions I've heard "I'm keeping the few games I play, everything else must go".

That sounds like me, aafter deciding to get rid of out of most of my collection.. and keeping the few games,systems that I play.

I haven't made that much a dent yet but I have brought up a lot of stuff to Joes store.
The most thing I enjoy about going to see Joe is talking about games with him..

I have decided to sell because:
To Fund My Pocketbike/MinimotoGp Racing..The $2500.00 bike I bought was paid for mostly by stuff I sold to Joe.
This bike has brought me many trophies and still is raced by me.
I may have surpassed the $800.00 trade in on one trip,I dunno..or was close..

Too much stuff,wanting to play less old stuff and focus on new stuff only.(I play online games now more then anything ,LIVE and PSN)
My last trade in to Joes store included my Genesis Boxed and loose Game Collection,minus a few keeper games for the Nomad and some Genny systems that I was too damn lazy to box up..
My goal was to buy a PS3 so I traded in my Genny game collection ..
I got my PS3 and some games and had credit left..SWEET..I got the good PS3 and decided to get one at a good time..
The PS3 is the best damn thing I bought to date,I love it!!..(all the Genny games did was sit on a hidden shelf,I never had the time to play them but the PS3 I play the crap out of.
Give up one thing to get another...I'm very happy with my PS3..
This trade in may have been up in the $$..

Too much Stuff,Make Room For the New Baby.
This included me getting Rid of my Tekken 3 Arcade Machine/I took it apart and sold the Board.(trashed the cab as it was huge!!
The Monitor I still have in storage,I offered it to Joe Free..I just haven't had the time to drop it off and or I'm not sure if he still wants it.
It does have an adjustment boad pot issue.(something that can be dealt with once hooked up once known about)
I still want to get rid of My Neo Geo 2 Slot Woody and the Little Klax Conversion cab(was Mini Galaga)..=Make room for the now here baby..

Too much Stuff/complaints by the Landlords who live upstairs..
For some reason due to the amount of games I have they think/thought I am running some kind of store..I don't know why..They don't understand the collect games thing factor.
I explain,how can I be running a store if you never see customers,no one comes in and out of here.
When the Male landlord first saw my Pinball Machine he said,What's the Price on that?..Huh?.Your selling this RIGHT?.I said,it's not for sale it's mine..These machines,games are my collection..
After all the arguements with them about me having way too big of a game collection I agreed to "lessen" it..and keep only one Arcade Machine=Big Red/My Pinball machine..'and" my Pocketbikes
Pocketbikes I'd had figure them to complain about but they have never become an issue..But they hate games for some reason.
I hated it..But it works/worked out as I've made a lot of room and am still getting rid of stuff I just don't touch...All they did was push me in the right decision,a decision that I just could not push myself to do..
I'm not happy having a big game collection anymore..
Though I still have the desire to collect some vintage games I don't have the desire like I did before.
I only got rid of 1 Arcade machine..I'm keeping both Big Reds and have moved/hid my other machines in a room that they don't go in..
Then I go and buy the Ms Pac Man Cocktail table.

I have a bunch of games that I have to bring up to Joe,I just need to find the time to get my ass up there..

Joe is always very good with his trade in Values,I've always left there with having got more then I expected or hoped for..His staff is very smart,nice and good working too... they have even noted on things that I missed.
I've always came out of Joes store happy with my trade in value.. Joes honest and a great person to know and do business with..
I'm glad to know him..

Joe's store is a Game Collectors Paridise..I enjoy just going up ther just to look around and see things I've never seen before..