Game Paks- Nintendo Power insisted on calling cartridges this silly-assed name. I never heard anybody else call them that in my life

Master a game- Maybe this is a regional thing but when I went to school up north everybody said they mastered a game rather than what we said in Texas which was simply beat the game. I don't know but it just sounds funny to me when somebody says, "Yeah, I mastered Bubble Bobble," as if it were some kind of mathematical mystery theorem.

Cinemas- I can't stand it when people call the animated interludes between levels, cinemas. I knew a kid growing up who had a lisp and would say, "Ooo, I love the sthinemas!" which made it even worse.

Super "Mayrio" Brothers- Another one of my pet peeve terms is when people mispronouce this series. It is supposed to be Mar-(rhymes with bar)-io