Hi all,

I am new to modding and repair of classic systems and thought that this would be a good place to start. I have two genesis consoles, gen 1 and 2. The gen 1 works fine, it just needs to be cleaned up (I started taking it apart and noticed corosion and rus on the metal protective plate and screws) for now, and the gen 2 from what I have researched and read here sounds like it needs to have its joints reflowed, so I am attempting to do that when I get out of work tonight.

I have been doing research into painting, led replacement, and other mods and was wondering if anyone else has something to offer as far as books or web site reading material with basics for modding and repair. I have a basic understanding of circuits and circuit boards (I'm a mechanical engineer but we had to take some basic circuit classes as pre-reqs) but I need a bit more to go on if I am going to start preforming mods to classic gaming systems.

Here is my short term (within the week) goals:

Gen 1:
Finish disassembling
Replace LED
Possibly paint

Gen 2:
Reflow joints
Paint system (I know it will be easier to drill holes for mods if its not painted, well not easier but save me a headache since the paint might chip, but I was planning on getting another system for making sound, video and region mods on) and controllers
Replace LED

Research more on repair and mods
Research controller mods

So once again, if anyone has anything to offer for a newcomer to modding, please do.
