Here's what I plan to do, now someone tell me if it's possible. First, all the actual "system" parts are getting removed and refurbished by someone skilled in electronics, he's then going to be the one to put it back together. I get to play with the box. What I want to do is, first paint it. I want to make it LOOK like an NES. I've painted enough stuff that this will be easy as hell. I want to cut a hole into the top of the system to allow me to put in and take out my 72-60 pin adapter at will. Finally, here's my real question area, I hate the controllers that are tethered to it. Are they "stuck" or can I just replace them with others? If they're stuck, how about stripping the cases off and replacing them with the "shells" from NES controllers?

Also, I'll be running a standard model 1 Genesis A/C power adapter, this will work right?

I'm very pumped about this. Picked it up cheap since no A/C supply, belt is goo, and it needs to be refurbed. Hell if I care, fix it, customize it, and have my dream NES/Famicom setup. This is going to be sweet.