gamerthegreek A.K.A. atari70s: Was I Ripped Off or Not. You decide!

Long story made short. Back in June, he agreed to buy a Cyplix Conversion cart from me. He said he was going to send a money order as he doesn't use paypal. I took his word for it as he seemed to be an active member of these forums. I sent the cart; He didn't send the money order. Good-Bye $92.

It is already August, so how could the money order not be here yet? People say he rips people off. Does he?

He oddly dissappeard from these forums. He never replied to my pms about the money order he supposidly sent. He just dissappeared off the face of the virtual planet.

I did a post on Atari Age, and found out his username there is "atari70s". No one had good things to say about him there. Anyways here is the ongoing post. Feel free to add to this post on Digital Press or the Atari Age post below.

See ongoing discussion: