Hello everyone,

I've been searching the internet for the past few days looking for the name of an old space sim that came out about the mid-1990's. I've been searching like Hell but have been fruitless so far, so I was hoping someone here might remember what I'm talking about, or at least point me in the right direction to look further.

Basically, the game is set in the distant future, and one plays the role of a freighter captain who is in charge of running an armed train/space freighter. Most of the game actually takes place on "traditional" style rails as you slide through a futuristic colony/metropolis type setting, shooting at enemy spacecraft.

The graphics were actually pretty good for the time, and there were a handful of live-action cut scenes that weren't terribly bad or cheesy.

Likewise, the game was quite linear and straightforward which is in line for the time frame.

Any thoughts, help, links, or info would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.