I don't know if this has been done before (I searched and didn't find any posts like this), but I was wondering if anyone has any interesting launch day stories. It doesn't have to be anything out of the ordinary, it could just be a memorable thing. I have two, which in fact are the only two system launches I have been apart of. Both of these stories come from my habit of never reserving anything (I don't know why I don't do it).

The first is on the launch day of the N64. My father had taken me to Toys R Us to buy the N64 around 6:00 PM (As you can see my chances were already low due to the time of day). When we got there we found that all of the systems were sold out. I of course was upset. So we decided to go to the mall since it had three stores that sold games. We get to the mall, got to Babbages...no systems. We got to KB...none left. Once again I was upset. But never fear, there was one more store to go in the mall, EB. So we walk over the EB and ask if they have any systems left, they say that have one left...hurray! BUT the guy tells me that its on reserve for a lady for was supposed to pick it up earlier that day. Well that certainly ruined my mood for a while. I must have looked really upset because as we were walking away the guy called us back. He told us that since it was close to closing time and since the lady didn't look like she was going to show, he was going to sell the system to us. Well I certainly have never met a nicer employee at any game store before or after that night. So I picked up my N64 with Mario and when I played that game for the first time, I can still remember the awe that I had. I guess I kinda feel bad for that lady...nah :P

The second story is from the Gamecube launch. I was in college at the time and my buddy and me wanted to get a cube on launch day. Knowing that we weren't going to find one in the city (Philly) we decided to get one near our homes in NJ. We also knew that most of the places around my house would have mostly all the systems on reserve. So we decided to go near my friends house because he knew of some stores that didn't take pre-orders and wouldn't be crowed. We also decided that we should stay up all night, so it would make sure we were up. We convinced two of our friends to tag along and at 11PM the night before we took off towards Cherry Hill. We first decided to scope out the area for stores. We found a bunch of places that looked ok, but then we saw a sign KMART...not your every day regular K-mart, but a 24 hour K-mart. We rushed over to ask if they would be selling the cube at midnight but they weren't. They said that they had to wait for the electronic guy to come and that wasn't until 8:00 AM. So we took off to get some late night food at Ulga's Diner and decided that Kmart was the best place so we went back. We bought a football and basically spent the whole night playing in the parking lot. As moring arose some other people showed up so we decided to go inside and stand at the counter. Around 7:00 the lady gave out numbers of the order of customers. My friend and I were number 1 and 2 out of only 8. We spent the next hour just chilling with the other people waiting and playing gameboy. So 8:00 rolled around and we got our cubes...I didn't need any games since I picked up a couple of the pre-launch ones. So we get back in the car and my friend had an interesting idea. We decided to go back to a Best Buy we had passed to see if there was a line because they didn't open until 10:00. As we were pulling up we saw a long ass line stretching the length on the store. Then we decided to be assholes for at least one time...we drove down the line with our cubes hanging out the window almost taunting everyone there. Needless to say it was pretty funny and even the people in line had a good laugh. We went back to school, I played a little Rogue Leader and went to sleep.

Well those are my two long stories. Anyone else have any stories of their own?