I suppose it's futile to continually aim for quarterly updates, but I am a big fan of Fool's Errands! Let get right to it shall we?

This issue, I review Test Drive on the Amiga, Spectre on Classic Mac and Halo 3 on the 360. I have also revamped nearly all the Commodore 64 reviews, either by adding more detail or by simply wordsmithing to better approximate the King's English. Several games also received a new score: Choplifter, IK+ and Lazy Jones.

Eric's been busy with "real life" stuff, but tells me he is a Level 31, Boon Dongle Defender in Borderlands. So I suppose he's keen on the game...

In Features, a few new ShockBox inserts are available: Riding Hero and two U.S. variants on the Ironclad design by dubdubdub.

Most Wanted gets a refresh as well. Initially, I was having trouble coming up with a list of 10, but Nintendo's Spring Media Summit and it's upcoming barrage of Cave Story, Picross 3D, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Sin & Punishment: Star Successor and Metroid: Other M all in the first half of this year fixed that in one swift stroke.


Thanks for looking!
