There are some games that never get boring after nearly 30 years and Dragonfire is a great example.

For those of you who have never played it, Dragonfire has you controlling a man who must first cross a bridge while jumping and ducking fireballs. Once you get inside the castle, you have to collect all the treasures while avoiding the fireballs being breathed at you by a dragon. Once you collect all the treasures, you go through the door and repeat the whole process. The treasures are worth more and the dragon becomes more faster and breathes his fire faster and more often. The game becomes absolutely crazy really fast.

The only flaw in the game is that once you die, you quickly respawn and if you're not careful, you might lose another life before you know it. You are invincible from the fireballs in both screens if you stay behind your door on the right. You have to try and stay there and map out your strategy.

I liked the 2600 version the best. I never owned the CV version. I've only played emulated versions of CV Dragonfire and it seems like I can't even jump over the low fireballs. They added other obstacles like an archer, a moving floor and a troll in the treasure room but I can't get far in the game because I keep dying in attempts to jump over that low fireball.

Still, it's a great game in any case. Perhaps I'll find the CV version someday.