Yes. Very yes.

I went to a flea market recently, and there was a stand full of games. I saw a copy of Mario 3 in a Funcoland case for the dirt cheap price of... $15. There was a sign listing prices, and it vaguely said "Atari-- $5." I saw a four-switch VCS below it, and asked if I could see it. They handed it to me, and I noticed a sticker proclaiming $40. Not only that, but I was going to buy a three-button Genesis controller to use on my 2600 Jr., and they wanted $8 for the fricking controller. Then, I noticed a case full of Game Boy Colors and a lot of games, with a copy of Pokemon Gold for $35. What. The fuck. And right below the games were handguns. I kid you not.

Needless to say, I now have proof that the idiots running the stand shouldn't be allowed within 40 ft. of a NES. This overpricing crap may work on others, but this pissed me off for a few days. In short, idiots shouldn't use eBay to price copies of Mario 3.