Hey everyone. So I've been a big Okami fan ever since I got it on the PS2. Unfortunately, I bought it in October 2006, and it was released in September of that year. What does that mean? I didn't get any pre order bonus for it! Actually back then I didn't buy many games from GameStop and the only thing I had ever pre ordered was Halo 2, so I wasn't even aware that it had such an awesome preorder bonus. I only recently found out when I was telling a friend how excited I am for the Okamiden brush stylus that you get for your ds and he told me about this.

I've been searching the web, but I can't find any real word on it. I don't even know what it's really called. Just a few forum posts here and there about it. No images, none for sale.

So, does anyone here have one of these things that they would be willing to part with? Responding here would probably be faster than PMing as I always fail to see my PMs.