Think about how long it's been since the last home gaming console was released. This November, it will be a full 5 years since any home console has launched. Think about that fact for a moment. In the history of video games, when is the last time there has been a 5 year period with ZERO new console introductions? The longest drought between console releases that I'm aware of, is just under 4 years. Between the arrival of the GameCube on November 18th, 2001, to the launch of the Xbox 360 on November 16th, 2005. Just a couple days short of a full 4 years.

It's highly likely that Nintendo will launch the next home console. Most predict a November 2012 launch. Some think Nintendo could shock the gaming world with a e3 2011 announcement and a worldwide launch THIS November (doubtful) Still, whether it's coming in 2012 or this November, Nintendo will be first out the gate.

Certainly, Nintendo hasn't been interested in high-end hardware technology since the days of "Project Reality" with Silicon Graphics. Still, by default, the followup to the Wii should naturally benefit from the advances in CPU's and GPU's since 2004/2005, the years in which the 360 and PS3 designs were locked into place. The Wii HD (for lack of a better name), should easily have 4 times as much ram as the 360/PS3, and the GPU should be well beyond the GPU's in the 360 and PS3. For the first time since 1996, Nintendo will be the technological leader for a brief window of time. If it's a 2012 launch, Nintendo should have a 1 year advantage. If Nintendo could somehow shock the world, and get it out this November, they would have a 2 year advantage.

By default, the next Nintendo system is going to be the highest end home console platform. Surely, Nintendo will have a Mario game, or a Donkey Kong game, or something special to launch along with the system. Also, Nintendo will be well aware of the fact that the last go round, they didn't have the best developers in the world working on their system, mostly for technological reasons. Now, development teams like Rockstar North, Bioware, Epic, Dice, Insomniac, etc, etc, will be developing games for Nintendo's next console. I think the early adopters/console graphic whores, would love to jump on Nintendo's bandwagon if they could take them to a better visual level.