Quote Originally Posted by bangtango View Post
However, if a "writer" is in the business mostly for a paycheck, above all else, then are they in it for the right reasons to begin with? Not to mention it raises questions as to whether the reviewer or publication could have been coerced into upping their scores to please someone.

Besides, talented writers who have already made a name for themselves won't have trouble finding or keeping a paying job regardless of the large number of people who would or could (in their minds) do the same jobs for free.
Yeah, because there are people reviewing games and editing manga to strike it rich. Unless someone already has it made and is only working a job to keep occupied, pretty much EVERYBODY with a job is in it mostly for the paycheck, no matter how much passion and love they may have for what they do. Most people don't have the luxury to offer large amounts of their time and service for free or for a pittance. I don't get this false noble viewpoint that people have about games/manga/anime, as if that, if you're lucky enough to be a professional, it should be about nothing but love for the creators and the fans. As if people in those fields should feel guilty about the money they earn and that they should be content to take in less than those in comparable fields.

Also, you couldn't be more wrong about your second point. You can't throw a rock without hitting a talented writer that's unemployed, underemployed, or underpaid. And who has made a name for themselves? That's next to impossible when no one values talent, and it's hard to foster talent when there's little reward for it.