*Sorry if this thread has been done before.*

Was there an arcade game that you loved dearly that broke your heart when it was miserably converted to home console?

For me, there was Bad Dudes on the NES. Dearly did I love the arcade version, and eagerly did I await its arrival to my Nintendo. O' what joy would be found as I sat before my glowing television with my faithful NES controller in hand as Bad Dudes left the local arcade to take up residence in my very own Nintendo (that I actually shared with my brother). Sadly, as was often the case, the game I cherished and enjoyed so dearly was butchered terribly by a combination of poor programming and inferior technology. A loss of graphic fidelity is to be expected when an arcade game was squeezed into a NES cartridge, but the flickering game play rendered the game unplayable like drunken night time frisbee. Oh... and forget playing with your friend. There was a two player mode, but you had to take turns rather than fight back to back. Horrible. Probably the single most disappointing gaming experience I suffered on the venerable gray box of plastic.